Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

FAITH, one of those intangible elusive little things that we all say we want “more of.” The Bible says we have all been given a “measure of,” but most of us have a hard time manifesting faith, especially in crucial moments.

The most important aspect of Faith is its foundation…
On WHOM and WHAT is your Faith built.

 Some have great faith in their gifts and abilities.  Some have put their faith in objects, people or institutions.  Of course, most of us would say with our mouths that our faith is in Jesus Christ, but are your actions confirming the words you are speaking?  The SUBSTANCE OF THINGS is only as sure as the FOUNDATION OF YOUR FAITH.

Mark 9:23-24 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”

Even when we have built our faith on a solid foundation, times of doubt will descend.  In Mark 9, we read of a father who brings a son to Jesus to be healed.  Jesus tells the man, “If you believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”  Obviously, the man’s faith was directed correctly. He was building on a solid foundation, but there was a crack that he could not seal up just by erasing negative thoughts; the “POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING” just wasn’t enough.  The man cries to Jesus, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.”  It is apparent that this father believed Jesus COULD, he had come to him with his most desperate need. Perhaps, he was having trouble believing that Jesus WOULD!  Been there, have you?

Read the rest of the story…Jesus came through; He always does.  Jesus didn’t condemn the man for his unbelief but accepted the “measure of belief” that the man exhibited and said, “I can work with that.”  The man’s son was healed that day and I have to believe the father’s faith was increased beyond measure for the rest of his life.

We believe JESUS CAN but do we believe JESUS WILL?

You have presented your need, you have prayed and maybe even begged and your faith is waning.  You know Jesus CAN fulfill that need, IF ONLY you could muster up a little more faith…STOP!!!  You obviously have a “little faith,” you are asking God for help and He can work with that.
But what if “it” still doesn’t happen?  What if the situation doesn’t change?  I don’t have the answer to WHY our requests are not immediately or always fulfilled.  FAITH also involves accepting that God is doing a work even when the results are not the ones we expected or desired.

You have been given a MEASURE OF FAITH, God can work with that.

Bring your requests to Jesus, again and remind yourself of these truths…You have built your faith on Jesus Christ and in the power of His Spirit.  You believe that Jesus CAN though you need a little help believing that He WILL!!!  God desires only GOOD things in your life.  Finally, PRAISE HIM, though the results are not what you expected; He is at work.

Spend a little time in His Presence and watch your doubts being to disappear one by one.  Jesus is the answer for your unbelief, too.

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