Thursday, September 1, 2016


Galatians 5:1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Musing on freedom this morning...

As Citizens of the United States, we love our freedom, or so we proclaim.  If you listen, however, to an Immigrant from an oppressed country and compare their view of freedom to a Citizen that was handed freedom as a birthright, there is a marked difference.  The Immigrant has such a love and appreciation for the freedoms protected by our Constitution because he/she has had to FIGHT oppression.  Over a couple hundred years, some of those freedoms have been severely eroded or simply slipped away…and we adjust because those freedoms didn’t really affect us that much anyway.  We who were born under the Constitution of the United States, mostly, take freedom for granted because it has always been available and we assume FREEDOM JUST IS!!!

We are all born into OPPRESSION because we are all born under the Curse of Sin.  Jesus Christ made a way that we can all be BORN AGAIN under HEAVEN’S CONSTITUTION.  At first, as NEW IMMIGRANTS in the Kingdom, we have such a love and appreciation for our FREEDOM from sin. We stand proudly at attention, joining in when our anthems are sung and unashamedly spread the message of our new Kingdom.  Our “Constitution” is kept within reach so that it can be referred to frequently.  Then something happens and our freedoms are slowly and silently stolen; we barely notice because we have begun to take our FREEDOM for granted and we assume SALVATION JUST IS!!!

FREEDOM doesn’t “just happen,” it must be FOUGHT FOR and PROTECTED.  This fact is painfully apparent in the world’s history.  Since its inception The United States, has attempted to “export” this great American Idea of freedom to the oppressed citizens of dictatorial regimes.  Our military makes short work of the oppressors, the people are handed freedom and we all rejoice.  But then something happens…there are always more oppressors just waiting in the shadows for their opportunity.  Slowly and sometimes not so slowly, the Oppressors move in and the citizens, who never learned to FIGHT FOR and DEFEND their freedoms which were “given” to them by someone else, find themselves once again enslaved and oppressed.

We have been given FREEDOM FROM SIN through SALVATION by the BLOOD OF JESUS but there are OPPRESSORS just waiting in the shadows.  Satan will constantly present opportunities to tempt us to hand over our freedoms.  Religions develop “regulations” and sign “Executive Orders,” slowly eroding the freedom given you by God.  The biggest threat to our FREEDOM IN CHRIST, however, is our own desires, distractions and malaise, in which we merely lay down our freedoms because we think FREEDOM AND SALVATION, JUST IS!

Until you’ve been in the “trenches;” until you have stood and FOUGHT off the oppressive invaders; until you have DEFENDED the “Liberty by which Christ has made you free,” you will never appreciate this great SALVATION of which we are blessed to be partakers.  Mama can’t give it to you; it can’t be inherited and neither the “world” or the “church” can take it away, if you will STAND UP, FIGHT and DEFEND the freedoms JESUS DIED to give you.

Have a blessed, joy-filled day.

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