Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Matthew 24:28 Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather. (ESV)

As I enjoyed an early morning walk, my attention was stolen by a sudden loud squawking.  Looking up, I saw a few large birds circling over a large wooded area.  They were not on a journey, they were not headed to a summer or winter destination, they had no flight plan; they merely circled an area…round and round and round.  Soon a few more birds joined in and more, until a great number of birds filled the sky over the grove of trees.

Although I could not see through the trees and view the object that had caught their attention, it was obvious that something had died or was near death and THE VULTURES HAD GATHERED.
Oh how many times have we come upon a fallen brother or sister?  They may be in pain, wounded, dying or dead, spiritually; it is clear that their strength is fading fast…what do we do? Often, there will be those who offer a shoulder to lean on, say a prayer and give advice, but as the signs of life diminish, the vultures move in, crowding out the “Spiritual Restorers.”

The vultures begin to circle, just waiting for the opportunity to pick apart the victim, anticipating the satisfying feast.  The circle grows, because one vulture attracts another and the “vultures in training” can’t wait to hone their skills.  Even the “wantabe vultures” gather, blending in with the hungry predators; talons extended; LET THE BANQUET BEGIN!

Galatians 6:1 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. (NKJ)

WHOA!!! STOP THE PRESSES!  The victim is not dead yet, the Holy Spirit is standing ready to breathe life into this precious person…is there just ONE who will chase away the vultures and administer “Spiritual CPR?”

Stop circling, you will eventually make yourself dizzy, fall to the ground and become the “Circlee.”  Don’t be a VULTURE, be a VULTURE CHASER…someone is gasping, just waiting for God to use you to breathe into their life.  Begin today…you can become a SPIRITUAL RESTORER.

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