Thursday, May 19, 2016


Ephesians 4:32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

Caleb and Nathan were scuffling and as is usual with boys, the scuffling escalated into a kicking match.

Grandma: “Nathan why did you kick Caleb?”

Nathan:  “Because he kicked me.”

Grandma:  “What does the Bible say about how we should treat each other?”

Caleb:  “The way we want to be treated.”

Nathan goes to Caleb and says:  “Go ahead and kick me, Caleb.”

(If you didn’t quite get what Nathan was saying, think about it for a little bit.)

How many times has God rebuked us for entering into a scuffling match with our brothers and sisters; then reminded us to treat each other as we would like to be treated.  But in our stubbornness and desire for revenge, we invite continued abuse.  In our hearts we are saying, "GO AHEAD; kick me!"  The "wheels of revenge" are already turning in our mind and a master plan is forming.  "You just wait!  GO AHEAD; KICK ME!"

STOP!!!  You CANNOT justify your own bad behavior and treatment of others by offering up yourself to be a victim.  Set an example to those who “use and abuse” you with LOVE AND FORGIVENESS…and stay out of kicking range.

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