Sunday, May 8, 2016


Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also and he praises her.

Things my Mom taught me by living life….


My Mom’s greatest joy is being a wife and Mom and now a Mamaw and Mamaw-Great; just ask her.  No wait…if you are around her about 2 minutes you will hear about her 6 kids, I mean 12 because she has no daughter-in-law or sons-in-law, 16 grandkids; 22 because she includes their spouses, 13, soon to be, 14 great-grandkids and of course her Beloved Deloy; our Dad.

She has never felt left out because she didn’t have a CAREER; she had a MINISTRY.  Mom and Mrs. were the only titles she required and she has defined and perfected both of them.


We knew that Dad was “King of the Roost.”  When we sat down to a meal, Dad would pray and we sat as quietly as 6 kids can until Dad was served first…that’s right…can you believe that the kids were “so disrespected” and unaffirmed?  Mom believed in God’s order of the family and taught us kids to Honor God by Honoring Your Spouse.

Although I’m sure my Mom disagreed with my Dad at times, actually I can remember a few arguments, she always showed him honor and esteemed him in our eyes.  She never went against him, behind his back and if he told us NO, she either stood with him or quietly persuaded him to change his mind, so that he retained his dignity and position.


My Mom believes in the POWER OF PRAYER and she takes the scripture, “to pray without ceasing,” literally.  Every morning and evening she takes every name of her 63 kids, grandkids and great-grandkids to God in prayer, plus neighbors, friends, her pastor and special needs.

My siblings laugh with me, as we remember being separated from Mom in a store.  There was no fear, we merely listened quietly and looked up.  Soon we would see her big hair and hear her quiet whispers of “Jesus, Jesus,” as she looked through the racks. Her prayers have allowed we, the subjects to find our way many times.


Mom lives a lifestyle of thankfulness.  Every breath she takes, every task she performs, her possessions and even her family, to her, are a witness of God’s goodness, and…she is careful to express her heartfelt thanks for them every day.

Mom and Dad and 3 little kids had moved into a new house, for which she was so thankful but she didn’t have a washer and dryer.  Dad bought a washing machine on time and mom would either hang the clothes out to dry or in winter, Dad would take the wet clothes to the local Laundromat and dry them.  Finally, Dad was able to purchase a dryer; Mom was so thankful.  I remember walking downstairs and finding her on her knees, by the washer and dryer, thanking God.  A lesson that so impressed me to LIVE A LIFESTYLE OF THANKFULNESS in my life also.


Mom’s “Love Language” is GIVING.  She gives her time, her resources and her talents to everyone she meets whether they are in need or just because.  She is always shocked when someone does something nice in return.  As she told me yesterday, “I feel so unworthy of all the nice things you kids buy for me.”  It comes as natural as breathing to her; MOM IS A GIVER.

As kids, we had the whole neighborhood in our yard and Mom would pass out popsicles, Kool-Aid or whatever snack we were having, to everyone.  There were pies and cookies for neighbors, boxes of fudge for the doctor and druggist and special little surprises for whomever happened to have a birthday; somehow she knew and remembered everyone’s special day.

Today, at almost 80, Mom takes a homemade lunch to the people at the Funeral Home at least a couple times every month; I think she has an ulterior motive to that one.   I found out a couple of years ago, she made chicken soup for the owner of the local grocery store because they were so sick.  WHO DOES THAT?  Even the florist loves her because of the special “treats” they have received.  Through her I have learned this lesson…A LIFE OF BLESSING COMES THROUGH GIVING.


My Mom LOVES GOD above all and because of that love, she LOVES people.  Mom tries to see the best in someone in spite of their display of the worst.  It was so aggravating as kids to hear her to find a reason to excuse someone, when we wanted her to “trash” them right along with us.  She never put up with our bad behavior with an excuse, however, but we always received a HUG after correction was applied.

Mom taught me to HUG.  Mom would hug the dirty little babies that were left at the church nursery on Sunday Morning, then give them a bath and put on clean pajamas that she had purchased at a rummage sale.  Mom will hug the new believer that she has just prayed with, as they get up from the altar, reborn.  Mom will hug the lonely Pastor’s wife, the distraught neighbor, or the acquaintance at the grocery store, who has suddenly become her “best” friends. Sometimes, WORDS won’t fix things but a HUG will help and God’s love will shine through.

So many of Life’s Greatest Lessons have been exampled by and learned from My Mom.  But the greatest lesson of all is LOVE GOD, BE FAITHFUL AND ENDURE TO THE END. 

Thanks Mom, I love you and Happy Mother’s Day.

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