Friday, May 6, 2016


Luke 14:28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it.

More lessons learned along the Journey to Health.  I hope you are not tired of my health updates and I hope you keep reading because I value my readers and their comments.  I write these to encourage me and others, keep me traveling ahead and so I don’t forget the many Spiritual Insights learned along the way…at 58, forgetting is an ever increasing possibility.

One of many Facebooker’s favorite things to post is a picture of food, either at a restaurant or accompanying a recipe.  Usually they are deliciously unhealthy and tempting.  I’m ok with that; believe me, I’m not such a health fanatic that I don’t love an occasional deliciously unhealthy treat or at least dream about fixing one, when my kids come.    As I have posted updates on my progress along the journey, one of the comments I read and other posts relate a problem, real or perceived by so many… “I wish I could eat healthier food, but it costs so much more.”  Of course, later, I read about a package of Oreos with a ½ gallon of milk, or a quart of ice cream or a bag of the latest flavored chips complete with a few Cokes.  So I decided to check…Does it really cost more to eat healthy food? 

As I entered the grocery store, I was faced with a whole world of choices.  I could buy anything, I desired, as long as my bank account had money and most of the choices were not healthy.  Have you ever noticed that the fresh produce is at the entrance of the store, right where you are grabbing a cart and getting out your list?  You have good intentions, check your list and put the few healthy items in your cart and quickly move on.  In my grocery story, the very next aisle is “Salty Snacks.”  Bags of chips, pretzels, nuts, popcorn; all the salty, fat-filled, deliciousness in their brightly colored packages call out, “buy me.”  MOVE ON!  

The next time you see really healthy items, you will be at the back of the store, with aisle after aisle of decadent possibilities.  As you progress, the end caps of each aisle hold more inviting choices, none of them healthy and often resulting in “impulse buys.”  The items were not on your list but, so irresistible that they ended up in your cart, then in your pantry and finally on your hips.  YOU COUNT THE COST!

Now to the real issue, “Will it cost me more to eat healthy food?”  My purchases:

4pack of Muscle Milk Protein Drink - $5.29; breakfast for 4 days….8 donuts -$6; breakfast for 4 days. 

Bag of organic spinach or washed romaine -$2.50, cucumber-$.65, green pepper -$1.25, Roma tomato-.88/lb; salad for 4 days – 5.28…Bag of Chips $3.59 – how many could you eat in 4 days. 

Bananas -.52/lb; equals approx. 3 snacks…Candy bar-$.75 each; $2.25 for 3 snacks. 

1 gallon milk - $1.79; 8-16 oz servings…6 pack of 16 oz. diet Coke-2.99; 6 servings.
Canned tuna -$.69/can; 2 servings per can; 4 cans-$2.76…1 pkg of hot dogs - $3.89; 8 servings but who eats 1 hot dog?

Strawberries – 4 pints/$5…1pkg of cookies - $3.29; how many strawberries vs. cookies would you eat?  

Boneless, skinless salmon fillets – 4 servings - $4.99…1 pound of hamburger -4 servings 3.89.

 Prilosec, which I no longer have to take 2/day; $9.98/14 pills.  Add to that BP meds, diabetic meds, asthma meds or whatever health problems occur, eating healthy costs but, IT WILL NOT COST YOU MORE!!!

Now to the SPIRITUAL application.  I would live for God but IT COSTS TOO MUCH!!!  I CAN’T do…and I COULD NEVER give up… or whatever excuse is offered.  OR, perhaps you “entered the race” with the best of intentions.  You got up from the “Altar of Repentance,” filled with the Spirit, determined to follow God.  You made it through the first aisle, sticking right to “the list.”  BUT, the further you walked down the “aisles of life,” the colorful “end cap” displays enticed you with their bright packages and delicious promises. NOW, you find you’re your “life cart” is full of “spiritually unhealthy” choices. Making the decision to follow God WILL cost you, BUT it WILL NOT cost as much as sin.  Put it to the test…YOU COUNT THE COST!

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

FOLLOWING God – giving up your will to your Creator who loves you and will lead you into “spiritually healthy” situations with fulfilling consequences…Following your own will, which will lead you into “unhealthy” desires with destructive consequences.

TRUSTING God to be your Savior, provider, healer, guide, counselor and everything else you need and allow Him to be….Trusting in your own knowledge and wisdom, then when you come to the limits of your own intellect, and you will, having no else on which you can rely.

Staying FAITHFUL to the end and stepping into eternity, holding the hand of the One who is always faithful…Completing your “bucket list” and stepping into eternity, alone, afraid and uncertain.


FOLLOWING GOD will cost you; your will, your desires and sometimes your comfort and ease BUT…SIN WILL COST YOU MORE!!!  Is it worth it?


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