Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Psalms 37:3 Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.

I read and reread Psalms 37:3, several times today.  The last line, “feed on His faithfulness,” keeps bringing me back to this chapter.

Psalms 37:1 Do not fret because of evildoers nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.

Verse 1 begins, “Do not fret because of evildoers.”  Talk about Prophetic!!! The Psalmist could have been watching the evening news.  It seems there is one story after another, blatantly or with underlying evil.  The world is turned upside down…right is wrong, wrong is right and you had better just accept it!!!  But the true Child of God cannot accept the wave of ungodliness that is sweeping across the country…SO WE FRET!

If you turn off the news, you are faced with the evildoers in your own family or the evildoers that dwell among your own congregation…Yes; the devil is one of the most faithful church attendees and he also likes to join your Thanksgiving gathering.  Unless you wrap yourself in a “prayer blanket” cocoon, evil is inescapable; it permeates the atmosphere…SO WE FRET!

WHAT IS A BODY TO DO??? Read and obey Psalms 37:3…

TRUST in the Lord…STOP, looking to Presidential Candidates to fix things, become your provider or even “make America great again.”  KNOW in whom you have believed and BE PERSUADED that He is able to keep all that you have committed to Him…TRUST IN THE LORD!

DO GOOD…So what, if some don’t believe…DO GOOD!  So what, if they laugh at the “ark” you are building for your family…DO GOOD!  So what, if you are considered intolerant and old-fashioned…DO GOOD!  So what, if you are shunned, ignored and stepped on…keep DOING GOOD!

DWELL in the land…About that “prayer blanket,” use it frequently; wrap yourself in prayer but it IS NOT a cocoon…come out from under the blanket and DWELL IN THE LAND!  The “land” needs the LIGHT to help guide them back to the right path.  You must shine the light, so DWELL IN THE LAND!

FEED on His faithfulness…God hasn’t left us to flounder and finally drown in the cesspool of this world.  He is a PRESENT help in time of trouble and He is FAITHFUL.  It is in the knowledge of His faithfulness that we can draw strength to keep on walking; to endure to the end…FEED ON HIS FAITHFULNESS!  Don’t lose heart, it isn’t a lost cause, Jesus has a “table spread,”FEED ON HIS FAITHFULNESS!

God has a great reward waiting for all who will TRUST, DO GOOD, DWELL AND FEED…He’ll fight the battle and you can enjoy the “last laugh.”

Psalms 37:6 He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light and your justice as the noonday.


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