Thursday, March 24, 2016


Deuteronomy 28:1-8 Now it shall come to pass, IF you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.  And all these blessings shall come up on you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God.

God is a GOD OF PRINCIPLES; principles that He has established; principles that He will never violate.  One of those principles is THE PRINCIPLE OF IF/THEN.  A perfect example of this principle is found in Deuteronomy 28.  Moses delivers a message from God to the Children of Israel.  The “IF,” part…“If you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God and observe carefully all the commandments”MY PART.  Now read Deuteronomy 28:9-13…The “THEN” part… “you will be blessed in the city and in the country, your children will be  blessed, your crops and herds will increase, you will be blessed coming and going, all that you own and everything you do will be blessed, even your enemies will flee”GOD’S PART.

Now read the rest of Deuteronomy 28, it also contains THE PRINCIPLE OF IF/THEN.  IF you do NOT obey the Voice of the Lord, THEN “all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.”  Go ahead and read the list, it is enough to “scare anyone into obedience,” yet we know that it wasn’t.  The Children of Israel disobeyed and God kept to His established PRINCIPLE OF IF/THEN.

Have you been praying for something and wonder why it hasn’t happened?  Maybe you wonder if God even hears your prayers.  BELIEVE ME, He is always listening and He hears every word.  So why haven’t things changed?  Is it possible that THE PRINCIPLE OF IF/THEN is at work in your situation?  ABSOLUTELY, YES!!!   ME? Could I be the problem?  There could be many reasons why your answer hasn’t come through, but it is much easier to blame the lack of change on an ALL POWERFUL GOD rather than consider the alternative…

TIMING – Many times God has blessings all prepared for you but JUST NOT YET!  It could be there is more preparation necessary before you are ready to receive the blessing…keep praying, listening and obeying…You will receive in due season.

GOD SAYS NO!!! – We have convinced ourselves of the lie that God’s greatest desire is to give us everything we want to keep us happy.  We have come to believe that God’s vocabulary is limited to “YES.”  God’s vocabulary includes every word man has come up with and covers every language across the world…God knows the word “YES” as well as the word ‘NO.”  It is also important that we understand these 5 points…1.  God has a plan.  2.  God sees the whole picture.  3.  God knows you better than you know yourself.  4.  Sometimes we ask just to please our flesh; to our destruction. 5.  Sometimes GOD SAYS NO!!!

ASKING GOD TO DO ALL THE WORK – There are things that only God can do…Only He can SAVE but He asks us to share the Gospel and introduce hungry hearts to Him.  Only God can REVEAL HIS PLAN but He asks you to pray, listen and obey.  Only God can HEAL, but He asks you to not undo the work by continuing unhealthy habits.

Last August, I began a journey to health…It all started with me praying and asking God for healing.  God replied with a convicting message, “STOP praying if you are not going to COOPERATE WITH ME!”  

WOW!!!  Talk about getting hit between the eyes…I WOKE UP!!!  All these years I have been riding a yoyo.  I tried every fad diet; lost weight.  I tried many supplements; lost weight.  I tried several weight loss groups; lost weight and became more unhealthy as the years progressed.
Finally, faced with a possible future serious health problem, I knew something must be done.  The one thing I had never tried was to COOPERATE WITH GOD.  After all, He created my body, so wouldn’t it make sense that He would know all the inner workings and the parts that needed to be “fixed?”  Well of course, but over the years, my behavior had continually been undoing everything He was fixing.

As of this morning, 31 weeks later, the threat of diabetes has been erased, the asthma inhalers are no longer in use, my blood pressure pills are gone, the Prilosec lies unopened in the cabinet and my chronic cough has disappeared…also, I have lost 63 pounds.  Along the way, I discovered that my JOURNEY TO HEALTH has actually been a SPIRITUAL JOURNEY directed by God.

I’ve had to change my attitude toward food, exercise and health, but I didn’t have to do it alone…COOPERATING WITH GOD…You take the first step and God takes your hand, leading you to the second, third, fourth…

I had to learn the word “NO,” and use it often.  COOPERATING WITH GOD…Involves you DENYING those things which will destroy and undo God’s work within you.

I’ve had to step out of my comfort zone.  COOPERATING WITH GOD…You may be asked to do things that make you uncomfortable and actually may cause discomfort for a period of time.  Go ahead, embrace the newness, God is building your “Spiritual Muscles.”

I’ve learned to enjoy the things I previously avoided.  I really didn’t want my morning protein drink to be an unappetizing, muddy green, but then I tasted it; YUM!!!  I would rather spend an hour shopping than on the treadmill or lifting weights, but then I carried 5 bags of groceries, all at once, up the steps and into the house with no problem…I’m lacing up my walking shoes and loving it.

Remember God is a God of principles and THE PRINCIPLE OF IF/THEN can be applied to every area of your life that needs “SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION,”  God’s faithfulness is never in question, so the next move is yours. 

 COOPERATING WITH GOD…Go ahead, obey the voice of God; JUST DO IT!  I promise that the joy you feel and the blessing you receive in obeying God will make you wonder why you avoided following God’s plan for so long.

Today could be the day you EMBRACE REAL CHANGE.  Today could be the day you begin COOPERATING WITH GOD.  Today could be the BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE.

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