Monday, March 21, 2016


II Corinthians 4:18 While we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.  For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Ahhh, the POLITICAL SEASON….the Season that never ends.  We have merely defined the perpetual struggle of men and women for POWER and POSITION.  Everything is always POLITICAL and the season is merely the appointed time which culminates in the naming of a “winner” for the current bout…and the process begins anew.

A “typical” Political Season includes a current “repressive” government, rising leaders promising change, religious factions contending for significance and faithful followers at every level.  There is “nothing new under the sun;” mankind’s struggle for power and position did not suddenly develop in 2000, 1776, 1517, 33 or 500 BC; no, it began with the first taste of the “forbidden.”  It was during a POLITICAL SEASON that the greatest historical event known to Man occurred.  An event that would change the course of history and change the lives of every human regardless of political affiliation.

There was a REPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT so drunk with power that the cries and needs of the powerless fell on deaf ears.  A RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION more concerned with maintaining its own power and influence over its “parishioners” than leading them closer to the God its leaders purported to serve. Then a Man walked into the mix that would upset all of their calculated scheming.  He didn’t promise “free stuff,” or “great deals,” or even the “appointment of the best people.”  He was accused of being a “rabble rouser,” an “insurgent” and hanging out with the “societal suspects.”  Perhaps his greatest “fault” was he wasn’t political at all; He didn’t play their game.  He had no interest in building a little kingdom; He already had a Kingdom and it was not political or even of this world.  His MISSION was to bring His Kingdom down to man.

We are currently embroiled in a hotly contested POLITICAL SEASON.  May we never lose sight, however, that before we are Americans, before we are Republicans, Democrats or Independents, we are FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST.  Our citizenship is in a Kingdom not of this world.  Of course, the politics of this world will affect your daily, earthly life and I believe every eligible American has the right and responsibility to vote but don’t become so entangled in the political power struggle that we forget our TRUE MISSION; to point people to Jesus who will affect not only their daily, earthly life but has the power to change lives for eternity. 

Jude 1:3 Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I find it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.

I pray for our country, I pray for those who are and will be in power but most of all I pray for we who are “Called by His Name.”  May we not lose focus; may we continue to “CONTEND FOR THE FAITH” and not a Candidate or Party and may we always point people to the CROSS AND THE RISEN CHRIST.

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