Wednesday, March 9, 2016


Hebrews 11:24-26 By faith Moses, when he became of age refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasure of sin, esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.

Strolling down the aisle of Meijer, I passed a young mother pushing a grocery cart with a fussing infant in the seat and reaching for a toddler who had just spied a colorful, inviting display of spring toys.  Her commands of “Don’t Touch,” fell on oblivious 3 year old ears.  The allure of the display overwhelmed the voice of his mother as he reached out and grabbed a bright red sand bucket.

Have you ever noticed or thought about store displays?  The next time you are at a mall, specialty store or Wal-Mart, take a few minutes and look around, notice the displays then look in your cart.  How many of the products have you picked up?  Now look at your list, were the products on your list or did you just decide you needed/wanted that item in the last few minutes?  Stores, especially Wal-Mart, Meijer, and Target sell thousands maybe a million different items and they want to PUSH the ones with the biggest profit margins.  These products are the ones most prominently displayed, the easiest to reach and the ones with the most colorful packaging.

The packaging colors, logos and even shelf placement are selected after extensive market research studies of the “target consumer.”   Take a trip down the cereal aisle; the organic, healthy, “twigs and sticks” cereal is usually not located at the eye-level of a 2-year old.  But every brightly colored, sugary cereal with a cheap trinket is well within their reach.  Why are toys usually made in bright colors of red, blue, green, yellow or pink and placed on the second shelf of the display?  What child is drawn to clear, white, black or gray and what 3 year old walks around looking 4 feet above his head?  Now you are getting it!!!

2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder!  For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.

Satan is the “Master Marketer” of this world.  He has centuries of studying his “consumer’s” desires and behaviors in his arsenal.  And he works tirelessly at exploiting those weaknesses with his alluring displays.  He offers every imaginable, deviant behavior wrapped in colorful, exciting packages in contrast to the “clear product” of a surrendered will to God.  His offers of exhilarating adventure are always place right at “eye level,” within easy reach.  The things of God require effort; they require commitment; sometimes they require walking through the storm and other times we must “reach up” to obtain the prize.

2 Corinthians 6:17 Therefore “Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord.  Do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you.”

Just as the products displayed at your favorite store may not be all they promise, sin has a “back-story” and is replete with undesired consequences.  The cereal company doesn’t post a big warning on the box, “BEWARE! UNHEALTHY!  Contains huge amounts of sugar and the toy inside is junk.”  Well neither does Satan.  It might help if the pornographic website contained a warning before you clicked; “WARNING! Indulging in this lustful behavior will result in a broken marriage and a retreat from reality.”  OR “WARNING! This path will lead you away from the will of God and it dead ends at destruction.”  But just as taking the time to read the labels on products will help you to make wise choices, there are ALWAYS warnings, if we take the time to listen. The problem is “DON’T TOUCH” is often drowned out by desire.

Don’t allow the allure of the exciting commercials, the billboard displays of beautiful people and the bright colors of “eye-level sin” draw you in to the deception. Listen to that still small voice, “DON’T TOUCH!”  

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