Saturday, March 12, 2016


Psalms 69:5 O God, You know my foolishness and my sins are not hidden from You.

Think back to the time your kids were little or the time you were with small children for an extended period of time.  If you do not have children or spend much time with toddlers, you can at least go back to the time when you were a kid.  Kids are very wily; they catch on quickly to things that are pleasing and especially to the things that are displeasing to those in authority.  Now sometimes, their limited knowledge causes them to do things they perceive as pleasing and you can see the hurt and confusion on their little faces when Dad or Mom don’t see their accomplishment in the same light.  THEN, there are the little “temptations” that present irresistible opportunities.  YES, temptation begins at a very young age, you can call it the “terrible twos” or the “fearsome fours” but truthfully it is the beginning of our flesh crying out for satisfaction.  Mom, Dad, this is your opportunity and responsibility to help them understand the reward of “denial” and the unfavorable consequence of  “surrender to self.”

Back to the toddler…Every parent knows only too well, that moment when you suddenly realize the house is eerily quiet and the little ones are nowhere in sight.  Your first thought is, “what are they up to now?”  You have no idea what situation their little imagination has created but you are certain that it will not be a positive experience for you or them.

HUMAN NATURE hasn’t changed in thousands of years, regardless of man’s increased learning, scientific advancements, or civilized refinement, we are not so different than Adam and Eve.  It didn’t take long for the first man and woman to make a choice in favor of “SELF” instead of obedience to God.  Like “naughty” toddlers, their first thought after giving in to temptation was, “we have to hide from God.”

Genesis 3:8 And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the trees of the garden.

Of course God wasn’t fooled or oblivious to the situation their behavior had created.  But just as the disappointed parent of the toddler, God calls to Adam and Eve, “Where are you?”  Adam tries to explain their dilemma placing the blame on God and his blessing.  Adam answers, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree and I ate.”  So God turns to the woman and asks, “What is this you have done?”  Eve, then mounts her defense, “The serpent deceived me and I ate.”  WOW!!!  Does that sound familiar?   You walk into the room where two toddlers stand over a beautiful broken vase and ask “Who did this?”  I can almost guarantee neither will take responsibility….NO, the conversation will go something like this, “She did it.” “No I didn’t, he did it” MOM“Somebody is not telling the truth, it didn’t just fall by itself.” SEE, the nature of Adam and Eve rears its ugly head.

1 John1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

IT IS TIME TO GROW UP!!!!  Stop acting like a “SPIRITUAL TODDLER.”   Do you really think you can hide from an Omniscient God?  You really believe He is unaware of your disobedience?  Every once in a great while, Dad or Mom is treated to real sorrow and repentance from their errant toddler.  And you know what happens?  The tearful little transgressor is gathered into Mom’s forgiving arms, the tears are wiped away, and the precious child is assured that even though their deed was a bad choice, they are still loved.

Do you think our Heavenly Father is less loving and forgiving than our Earthly Parents?  GOD LOVES YOU.  God didn’t pose the questions to Adam and Eve to enlighten his ignorance of their situation; He asked the question to give them the opportunity to confess their sins and receive forgiveness.  It took effort for God to “extract” the confession from them but He was swift to offer them a proper covering and a PATH TO REDEMPTION.

GOD HAS NOT CHANGED.  He still offers FORGIVENESS and a PATH TO REDEMPTION.  Now it is up to you…STOP HIDING…you really are not fooling anyone, least of all God.  He is waiting with open arms to wipe away your tears and assure you that He loves you and is NOT MAD!  It is time to come out from “under the bed” or from your favorite “spiritual hiding place” and allow God to cover you.

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