Saturday, February 6, 2016


Proverbs 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Thinking today about all the things I missed out on as a child:

I missed out on TV dinners because my Mom cooked dinner every night.

I missed out on Saturday night babysitters and waiting for Dad and Mom to come stumbling in drunk because we went to church every Saturday night and Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night.

I missed out on cigarette or alcohol breath and had to smell Pond’s Dry Skin Cream instead, every night when Mom kissed me goodnight.

I missed out on sitting mindlessly in front of a TV and had to read and play games with my brother and sisters because Dad and Mom didn’t want us to have a television

I had to see “dirty” pictures in National Geographic because I had a Dad who honored his wife and family and didn’t indulge in pornography.

I missed out on parties, getting high and hanging out with the “cool” kids because Dad and Mom had to know where I was and who I was with at all times.

I missed out on fear because I had a Mom that actually believed and obeyed the scripture that said, “Pray without ceasing.”

Thanks Dad and Mom for making sure I missed out.

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