Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Psalms 104:33  I will sing to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

If you are discouraged and it seems no one cares, take time to read Psalms 104….GOD CARES.
This may not be your typical “shoutin’God is for me, we win” passage of scripture, but it tells us of God’s love through His attention to every detail in providing for His creation. 

Genesis 1 tells us, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” but Psalms 104 assures us that God “laid the foundations of the earth that SHALL NOT BE MOVED forever.”

Genesis 1 tells us that God “separated the waters above and below and gathered them together in one place,” but Psalms 104 says that not only did God give the water boundaries but He allows them to flow down the hills to the valleys to give every beast drink, to allow the grass to grow to feed cattle, to allow man to bring forth food from the earth and even water the trees so the birds can sing among the branches.

Genesis 1 tells us that God “divided the light from the darkness and created two great lights; one to rule the day, the other to rule the night.”   Psalms 104 talks about the two “great lights” also; the moon comes out at night and the wild beasts roam, killing their prey but then the sun rises, the wild beasts return to their den and man goes out to work. 

Psalms 104:24  Oh Lord how manifold are your works!
In wisdom you have made them all.

SEE, there are no details God has forgotten and GOD HAS ALL THE DETAILS WORKED OUT FOR YOUR LIFE!!!  Rest in Him and let Him light the path.

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