Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Have you ever applied for a “Line of Credit?”  If you have a credit card, then the answer is yes.  You can also apply for a “Line of Credit” at a bank using the equity in your home as collateral.  Usually, the terms of the credit agreement are that you have access to a specific sum of money which can be borrowed as needed and paid back through monthly payments.  While this can be a great tool to manage cash flow for a business and a convenience for consumers, it can also be a curse allowing the borrower to purchase things without thought or consideration that all funds must be paid at a later date.

Too many treat God’s Grace as if it is a “Line of Credit.”  We operate as if God has set up a “Line of Grace” for each of us, that allows us to dip into it when necessary and pay it back with small “monthly payments” of obedience.  The rest of the “month” we live life as we please, secure that God’s Grace is available if we “need” it.

Then there are those to whom, rather than a “Line of Credit,” Grace is a “Retirement Account.”  You make a deposit now and then into your “Grace Account,” hope that your investment grows and you have enough to carry you through your years in eternity.

Years ago, I worked for a wealthy businessman.  He had given a large sum of money to his church to replace and restore the beautiful stained glass windows.  I mentioned to him that it was a great thing to do and I was sure the church was very appreciative.  His reply, “Well I had to do something to assure I get into Heaven.”  He was depositing into his “Eternal Retirement Account.”  IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY…God’s Grace cannot be banked for future purposes or borrowed because we have an immediate need. 

You can follow God for 20 years then decide to take a hiatus and follow after your own lusts, God will not give you 20 years of “Grace Credit”  to spend during your sinful year.

You can follow your own lusts for 20 years, repent today and follow God obediently the rest of your life.  God doesn’t hold you accountable for the 20 years but freely gives you the necessary Grace for today, tomorrow and for eternity. 

OH, HOW I NEED GOD’S GRACE!  Not just as a “Slush Fund” to cover my desires or missteps or a “Retirement Fund” for eternity.  We cannot build up credits or pay back in small monthly payments.  Grace gives us spiritual strength to walk every day, resisting the “wiles of the devil,” and yes, take us into an eternal life with the Giver of Grace.

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