Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Matthew 24:10 “And then many will be offended, will betray one another and will hate one another.”

We live in an OFFENDED world.  It is much easier to offend someone, then not and much easier to find an offended person than one whom is just living life. If you have never offended or met an offended person, you obviously have never been out of your own yard or met your neighbor.  People are not just easily offended, some like it so much they actually seek for offenses.  There was a news report today of people actually trolling business, seeking to be offended…GET A LIFE; REFUSE TO BE OFFENDED!!!

In Matthew 15 we read about a woman who had a daughter that was demon-possessed.  She came to Jesus seeking help and when she cried “Have mercy,” Jesus didn’t even answer.  Refusing to be OFFENDED because she was ignored, she worshiped and said, “Lord help me.”  This time Jesus answered, but not as she expected.  He said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”  Now I have to confess, that WOULD have offended me and I would have probably left, wounded with an unmet need.  Desperately, she continued, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master’s table.”  Her refusal to be offended, could not go unanswered and in verse 28, Jesus gave her what she asked; “O Woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.”  A daughter was healed because a mother REFUSED TO BE OFFENDED.

We read of another event in Luke 18.  Jesus was walking along the road to Jericho, when he came upon a blind man begging.  When he heard that Jesus was approaching, the blind man began to cry, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.”  It was obviously quiet embarrassing to those around him and they warned him to BE QUIET!  But the man had a NEED that was greater than the OFFENSE and he cried louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me.”  Once again, the REFUSAL TO BE OFFENDED caught the attention of Jesus and demanded an answer.  In verse 42, Jesus said, “Receive your sight; your faith has made you well.” Verse 43 states that not only did the blind man receive his sight but it brought GLORY TO GOD…All because one man REFUSED TO BE OFFENDED.

If you want or need to be offended just find an “Offended Anonymous” group to join.  They are everywhere and espouse every belief; I’m sure you can find one that fits you.  Democrats are offended by Republicans and Republicans are offended by Independents; Gays are offended by Straights and Straights are offended by Trans; Muslims are offended by Christians and Christians are offended by Atheists; Baptists are offended by Pentecostals and Pentecostals are offended by Catholics; Black People are offended by White People and White People are offended by Brown People; Women are offended by Men and Men are offended by the Dog.   And the list continues, turn it around and read it backwards, it doesn’t matter; PEOPLE ARE CHOOSING TO BE OFFENDED!

In first grade, there was a girl that I desperately wanted to be my friend.  She already had a friend and didn’t want to include me; I WAS OFFENDED and went crying to my Mom.  After drying my tears and giving me a hug, my Mom gave me some advice that stuck with me for the next 50 years; “Susan, forget her and get you another friend.”  In other words, REFUSE TO BE OFFENDED!

Refuse to be offended every time someone looks “cross eyed” at you, they may not be thinking of you at all.  That person that did not return your greeting and looked right past you, perhaps he has a hearing or seeing problem or just a lot on his mind.  Or maybe there are just “JERKS” in the world and some of them may even display the title Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Gay, Straight, Pentecostal, Baptist or Catholic.  They may be Men, Women, Black, White or Brown, so just accept it and don’t let the JERKS OFFEND YOU!   Do you want to be cheated out of your greatest blessing because of a JERK?  REFUSE TO BE OFFENDED.

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