Friday, April 24, 2015


We live in a country that has developed an awesome system of interstate highways and intrastate roads.  We are able to travel between major cities and states on relatively smooth, paved roadways, some with 2 lanes, some with 4 lanes and some are as wide as 6 or 8 lanes.  If a person could stay awake long enough and had no need to make a pit stop, now and then, one could drive down I 75, beginning in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and ending 1786.47 miles later in Miami.  BUT IT HASN’T ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY.

Twenty three years ago my Dad and Mom moved to the little town of Doniphan, MO.  Except for orange construction barrels, our trip consisted of uneventful 4 lane interstates, until we came to Poplar Bluff.  At that point we switched to a 2 lane highway that went right through the city, stopping at every stoplight on our way to Highway 160.  At Highway 160 there was a museum of local nature named “CALL OF THE WILD.” When we would turn at that landmark, the excitement would build because we were almost at our destination.  BUT TIMES HAVE CHANGED!

Now there is a BYPASS and the museum has become an Adult Entertainment Club, which still bears the name “Call of the Wild.”  As we approached 160 on the bypass, Steve mentioned, “That club probably wasn’t too happy when the bypass was built.”  BUT NO!!!  The parking lot was full of cars; the bypass hasn’t seemed to affect the club at all.

In his sermon last week, a pastor was preaching on the importance of WALLS in our life.  He stated that walls were put up for our protection and as the “Watchman” for that congregation, when he perceived that something may be dangerous, it was his responsibility to build the wall just a little higher to protect everyone.  But just like the BYPASS, it seemed the WALL had really not made a difference in the lives of so many.  WHY???  Did the BYPASS not go far enough out of the way?  Was the WALL weak or too low? 

BACK TO LIFE!!!  When we receive salvation and begin to follow Jesus, the road we travel down becomes a BYPASS.  It takes us around the pitfalls and stumbling blocks that sin puts in our path BUT it does not do away with temptation.  I could still view the “Call of the Wild” from the bypass but now, I would have to veer off the highway to get there.  As you continue on your journey, you will come to “EXITS” and “CROSSROADS” with luring signs, promising enticing adventures, it is up to you to make the choice; STAY ON THE BYPASS.

WALLS!!!  Is it the responsibility of the “Watchman” to build the wall?  Perhaps that is the problem…we have allowed others to build the “WALLS OF PROTECTION” around our life that WE and the HOLY GHOST should have been working together to build.  The Watchmen is called to WARN not BUILD WALLS!!!  When you allow the HOLY GHOST to build the wall around your life, you can be assured that the weakest spots will be strong enough to withstand a barrage of attacks from the enemy.  When you allow the HOLY GHOST to build your wall, a breach can occur only if you remove a brick. The bricks will not break and the mortar will not crumble. 

If you are struggling along the journey, if you always find yourself taking a detour to follow the flashing, alluring signs, it is time to reset your GPS and stay on the BYPASS!  Perform a thorough inspection of your WALLS; become intimately acquainted with every brick.  Refuse to protect your relationship with God by using a wall built by someone else.  Get on your knees!!! Start reading the instructions!!!  Even if you have to start building your WALL from the ground up, let the Holy Ghost lay the foundation and build it with strong bricks joined with the “MORTAR OF THE WORD.”  Satan cannot breach a WALL built by God unless you remove a brick and following God on the BYPASS will not lead to the “Call of the Wild’s” driveway.

1 comment:

Connie Schmoll said...

This was very good. Thank you Susan for sharing this! God bless!