Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Recently, I saw a news article on the Apple brand and another on Global Warming.  The first article extolled the features of Apple, its product’s ease of use and how much Apple’s fans love their I-phones, I-pads and Macs.  Some will even line up days in advance of a release to be the first to own the newest Apple Product.  No matter the weather, no matter the cost, APPLE FANS wait with excitement and anticipation for the fulfillment of Apple’s promises.

The second article bemoaned the dire results of Global Warning which is now known as Climate Change.  States are making laws and regulations, trying to SHAME people into following usage guidelines which are all based on computer models rather than fact.  For years we have been warned that California will fall off into the ocean, greenhouse gases will make this an uninhabitable planet, the polar ice cap will melt and the polar bears will float off into warmer waters until they get below the equator where the ocean temps will grow colder.  Even the threat of death doesn’t seem to draw the lines of people with hands reaching for instructions on how to turn the tide and save the earth.

I am embarrassed to say that for too long, we Christians have followed the method of the Environmentalist instead of Apple.  We subject those who are in desperate need for what we have to offer to “Sanctimonious Sermons,” warning of the dire consequence of rejecting our message rather than telling them of God’s Love, Grace and Mercy; how they can be delivered from sin and put their trust in the One who will never leave them or forsake them.  When the stark picture of dire consequence doesn’t sway them, we always have SHAME!  Shame them with their SELFISHNESS; Shame them with their SINFULNESS; Shame them with our SUPERIOR RIGHTEOUSNESS.  And THEN, if we finally CONDEMN and SHAME them into accepting God’s Grace, we make laws and regulations to KEEP them on the right road.

Let’s visit the line at the APPLE STORE, one more time.  Apple has done a great job of focusing on the increased quality of life their product will bring to those who will commit. Every person is well aware of the cost of their I-Phone or new MacBook Pro.  They know that there are cheaper spinoffs that can “get them by,” but they are willing to sacrifice to do more than just “get by.”  No matter the cost, they want the BEST!

I wonder what would happen if we were convinced that our salvation was as awesome as our Apple I-Phone!!!  Would the line start forming, if we focused on the FEATURES AND BENEFITS of following Jesus Christ instead of what must be sacrificed to PAY THE PRICE?  Would they wait with excitement and anticipation, no matter the cost if we shared the Gospel with LOVE and JOY?  I absolutely believe there is a COST to following Christ and no one should make the decision lightly; it is a SERIOUS COMMITMENT!  But you will never win a soul by SHAMING or PASSING LAWS….If you are not convinced and in love with THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, you will NEVER MAKE A SALE.

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