Monday, March 9, 2015


“Why I do not post selfies.  I am well aware of what I look like, I have a mirror.  That does not mean that you need to be subjected to the visual also.”  I posted this “tongue in cheek” update a couple of weeks ago after seeing some particularly unflattering selfies posted on personal Face book pages.  We are subjected to pictures of people looking in a bathroom mirror, holding a phone in front of their face; pictures of cut toes, bruised fingers, spider bites, surgical wounds and the before pictures as we are wheeled into surgery; pictures of appetizing and half-eaten, unappetizing meals and the list goes on.  I enjoy seeing pictures of your kids, grandkids and the fun vacation you are enjoying but here is a bit of wisdom, “EVERY PICTURE YOU POST, ONCE VIEWED CAN NEVER BE UNSEEN!”

I was raised in an innocent environment, where the “evils” of television included “I Love Lucy” and “Leave it to Beaver.”  During my teenage years, the sit-coms became more “risqué,” with shows such as “Happy Days” and the “Brady Bunch.”  Since I was raised without a television in my home, I was for the most part, blissfully unaware that such “hedonistic” offerings were available for my viewing pleasure. (Yes, I am being a bit sarcastic).  I wonder what the Fonz would have tweeted or what provocative poses Joanie would have posted on Chachi’s wall?  Would Mr. & Mrs. Cleaver have explained how to respect others and post responsibly on Social Media to Wally and The Beav?  They dealt with the issues of their day and time just as parents must do now.  PARENTS, in order to deal with the issues of today, GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE SAND and make yourself aware of how SOCIAL MEDIA is affecting you and your children; THEY CANNOT UNSEE THINGS ONCE THEY HAVE BEEN SEEN!

WARNING….DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU ARE ALREADY OFFENDED OR FEAR YOU MAY BECOME OFFENDED!  Now I know I have your attention and you have no choice but to keep reading….so here goes.

PARENTS, ADULT ROLE MODELS, YOUNG ADULTS WHO HOPE TO BE ROLE MODELS SOMEDAY, this segment is for you.  The pictures and status updates you post MATTER!  You are affecting and influencing someone; someone you may not even know, YET!  This weekend I saw a picture posted by a sweet lady of herself and a friend in a provocative pose.  Now before you accuse me of being a PRUDE (which I am guilty as charged), let me say, I’m sure she meant it to be funny but anything ONCE SEEN CANNOT BE UNSEEN!  How do you desire others to view you; as the latest sex symbol or faithful wife; partying playboy or adoring husband; available bombshell or the girl that cares enough about herself to use a little discretion.  Every day I read stories of people being fired from jobs, being eliminated as a candidate from a position, being cyber-bullied, and arrested for forwarding nude pictures sent to them from a friend – if the subject is under 18, it is called “Child Pornography.”

A few years ago, when SEXTING first became popular and was actually given the name, I talked with a Godly mother who had found provocative and pornographic pictures on her son’s phone.  Unfortunately, she knew the young lady who was the daughter of another Godly mother.  After explaining the sin and the legal ramifications of sending and receiving such pictures, her next warnings to her son were so awesome that I have never forgotten them.  She said, “Someday this young lady will grow up and God has great plans for her.  Unfortunately, these pictures will still be out there somewhere, on someone’s phone or in someone’s cloud, how do you think she will feel if that someone wants to post them or share them, then?  What if she repents and becomes a pastor or missionary wife and suddenly her ill-chosen selfies goes viral?  You need to delete the pictures, now and tell her to please not send anymore.”

Social Media gaffs are not just limited to high school and college students; PARENTS what are you posting on your page, tweeting on your Twitter or forwarding through Instagram?   IT MATTERS!!  Do I reflect Jesus Christ in my pictures, my poses, the clothing choices I pose in, my status updates or articles shared?  Do I point people to the cross or titillate their imaginations with me as the central character?  Do I encourage or stir up a “Hornet’s Nest” that would best be left alone?  Whatever you post will help form an image of you that will stick in the minds of the people to whom you are connected.  The next time you are ready to click “share” on your phone, remember, once the picture is posted, I CANNOT UNSEE YOU!

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