Thursday, March 5, 2015


There is no better activity on a snowy winter day than putting together a jigsaw puzzle.  My favorites include the ones that are 1000-1500 pieces with big splashes of color.  The first step is to separate all the “edge” pieces from the "interior" pieces and began assembling the puzzle’s frame.  Sometimes I actually set up a series of small plastic bowls and sort the interior pieces by dominant color, before I begin.  Whatever method you use, it is so very satisfying to step back and view your progress as you steadily fit the pieces together.  As I continue “working it,” I keep sneaking glances at the top of the box, which shows a picture of the completed puzzle, to remind myself that if I can find and fit in only a few pieces an hour, my reward will be a beautifully completed jigsaw puzzle, “FITLY JOINED” together; creating a finished masterpiece.

Have you ever felt as if your life is a “jigsaw puzzle?”  Perhaps you have found all of the “edge” pieces and managed to build the puzzle frame.  You’ve accomplished the first step of putting your puzzle together and you are on your way.  Now comes the hard part, putting all the interior pieces in their exact locations.  You step back to take a look and instead of viewing the beginning of a beautiful masterpiece, you find an “outside” of perfectly joined “edge” pieces surrounding a jumble of ill-fitting “interior” pieces lying in chaos.

As you put the “interior” pieces in their rightful place, it may seem at times, that a piece is missing.  You look at the colors and can find no match or the piece may be oddly shaped and seem to not belong anywhere in the picture.  Keep “working it,” allow God to guide your hand, and eventually you will find the perfect piece to fit in that exact spot and the puzzle will become just a little more clear.

Colossians 2:10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.

You plod along, one piece at a time and suddenly realize that the small part of the puzzle you are working on is actually a picture within a much larger picture.  In reality the “Big Picture” is simply a collection of smaller pictures that unite together to make an awesome finished puzzle. 

1 Corinthians 12:20 But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. 

Today you are on a roll.  You fill in your part of the puzzle rather quickly, when suddenly you notice there is a piece that is not quite right.  Although you were able to fit the piece into the space, it is a little crooked.  And while it may have the perfect colors for that spot, it just doesn't fit with the piece you are holding.  If it is not corrected, the whole puzzle will be incomplete and you will have leftover pieces that don't mesh with anything.

We must realize that just as a puzzle fits together perfectly and each piece needs the one right next to it to be complete, so is the Body of Christ.  Here's an idea...what if God says NO when you think He should say YES and it is all because the piece you are trying to fit into your puzzle doesn't fit with your brother or sister's piece, which it rests against.  If God says YES, that piece will "throw off" the whole picture and the puzzle will never reach completion according to His plan.  So the next time that it seems you can't make a piece of the puzzle fit perfectly, ask yourself, "Is there something about this piece, if inserted in this part of the puzzle, will affect my brother or sister adversely?"  If the answer is yes, through prayer, God will show you the right puzzle piece that will fit perfectly into the spot you are trying to fill.

Ephesians 4:15 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, making increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.   

God’s Kingdom is a “Complex” puzzle that consists of mini puzzles implanted within a master puzzle.  Some may call it the “Plan of God” but it is really a Masterpiece consisting of many differently shaped pieces that the Creator is fitting together and one day we will be able to view the entire completed puzzle.  What a day that will be!

1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly but then face to face.  Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 

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