Wednesday, March 18, 2015


A HERO… It seems that we all need a person in our life to hold up as the ideal; a person we admire for various reasons; someone we strive to emulate.  A HERO, when measured against his/her peers, stands head and shoulders above everyone, even if only in your estimation.  Sometimes we set a person up as a HERO in our mind for reasons that may not be shared with our friends, family or anyone in our circle, but to us they perfectly fit the definition. 

Ask someone to name their HERO and you might be surprised at some of the answers.  We give HERO status to the famous, the rich, Hollywood actors and actresses, singers and musicians, sports stars, police officers, firefighters, military warriors, teachers, preachers, moms, dads, husbands and wives, for a mixed bag of reasons; some deserving and others questionable.  So what makes a HERO?  Let me tell you about mine.

My HERO is a man of high character, faithfulness, honesty, kindness and love.  In a world of selfishness, situational ethics, sinking morality and hedonism, he stands head and shoulders above those surrounding him.  You guessed it…my HERO is my husband, Steve.

FAITHFULNESS and COMMITMENT.  At the age of 12, Steve committed his life to Jesus Christ, was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit.  At times he has been knocked down by those he trusted, stumbled and had to pick himself up a time or two.  You see HEROS are NOT PERFECT but they ARE FAITHFUL to the commitments they make and HEROS are the ones who pick themselves up and keep moving forward no matter how many times they get knocked down.

At the age of 18, Steve stood at an altar and declared his commitment to me.  He promised to be faithful, to love and honor me until death.  For 40 years he has never wavered from that commitment.  Yes, HEROS remain faithful when others break promises.  They choose to love and honor those commitments when temptations present other options.  They make a covenant with their eyes and purposely look away because they are FAITHFUL.

HIGH CHARACTER AND HONESTY.  A HERO ceases to be, once his character comes into question.  Once he makes a decision to set character aside and follow desires, convenience or the crowd, all the other hero ingredients are of no value.  A loss of character nullifies faithfulness, commitment, honesty and trust and the pedestal crumbles.  I have watched my HERO say NO when yes would have been easier and seemingly more beneficial.  Several years ago, he lost a congregation and many friends and opportunities because he would not compromise his character by signing a Ministry Agreement by which he could not honestly live.  He refused to find loop holes or justification for noncompliance because Steve is a man of high character and honesty.   A HERO DOES THE HARD THING BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING!!!

HUMBLE.  A HERO is not self-promoting.  He doesn’t stand on a pedestal of his own making and would probably consider it a stumbling block to be avoided.  He would be shocked to realize that anyone considered him a hero or that he has accomplished anything worthy of hero status.  He gets up every morning and does the right thing, not for recognition or accolades but because he loves others more than himself and just because IT IS THE RIGHT THING!  I have watched my HERO stand invisible in a crowded room, ignored and overlooked for position or honor because he refused to “blow his own horn.”  I have seen him give of himself, sacrificially, with no expectation of anything in return; sometimes not even a thank you; because HEROS ARE HUMBLE.

Steve Niswonger is the love of my life, my best friend, my staunchest supporter and cheerleader; MY HERO!  He may never run into a burning building or fight off a villain; but he WOULD to save someone that needed saving.  He may never be asked to preach to 20,000 at a general conference; but he COULD with passion and anointing.  He may never throw a baseball at the World Series or a football at the Superbowl; but WOULD TRY if asked.  My hero can always be counted on to be FAITHFUL, COMMITTED, HONEST, OF HIGH CHARACTER AND HUMBLE.  After all, isn’t that what being a HERO is really all about?

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