Sunday, January 12, 2014


I have lived in the northern United States most of my life, so I am no stranger to snow, shoveling, strong winds and subzero temperatures.  Still, it is something that my body has a problem acclimating to every winter.  On the first Sunday of 2014, we awoke to a winter snow storm that would eventually dump 18 inches of snow on our little town of Grand Blanc, MI.  We shoveled the first 6 inches at 11:00 in the morning and Steve went out at least 2 more times that day in a futile effort to clear the driveway.  Monday morning, the driveway was covered with 6-8 more inches and then came the winds.  Not just a little breeze, oh no!!!  These were 25-30 mph Arctic winds carrying the new name of “Arctic Vortex.”  Tuesday morning, the driveway had drifted shut; Wednesday morning, once again, 2 foot snow drifts filled our driveway.  We laughed, so we wouldn’t cry and joked that we were becoming so familiar with this snow we had shoveled over and over that soon we would have to give the piles names.  Finally, the winds died down, the air warmed up and a soft rain tamed the drifting snow and our driveway stayed clear and dry.
How many times have I shoveled the “snow” from my life only to realize that overnight, it has all drifted back and shut down my heart?  There are times the drifts pile up because I have not been diligent to “man the shovel” in seeking God.  Other times it is a fresh storm, which requires a little time and “sweat” to clear, with God lovingly, helping to guide the shovel.  Then, there are the days when it feels as if the “Arctic Vortex” has landed right in the middle of my spirit.  I watch, helplessly as the swirling winds threaten to knock me off my feet.  My spirit chills as the “snow” drifts impede my progress.  Every shovel-full blows back into my face and I want to give up.

KEEP SHOVELING!!!!  The strong winds won’t last forever; they will soon fade to a gentle breeze.  Allow the fire of the Holy Spirit to warm your heart and showers of God’s blessing to tame the drifting snow.  After the winter snow is gone, your spirit will bloom again.

Psalms 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

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