Thursday, January 23, 2014


Bundled up in my winter coat, gloves and earmuffs, I went out to shovel the driveway and sidewalk for what seems to be a daily activity, lately.  I am one of those people who actually enjoy shoveling snow; that is, if the wind chill is above 0 degrees.  I enjoy the brisk, fresh air filling my lungs, the rush of energy from using muscles that have been dormant too long and the peaceful solitude away from all the electronic things that now govern my life. It is during these times that I hear God’s voice speak so clearly to my spirit.
Enjoying the even lines that appear on the driveway as I walk back and forth, making progress with my snow shovel, I reached the sidewalk.  Making quick work of the sidewalk and porch, I placed the Welcome Mat” in front of the door, when it hit me; I had placed the mat so that word “Welcome” faced the front door.  That’s when God began to speak.  What message would my visitors receive when they knocked on my door?  Did the placement of the “Welcome Mat” say to my guests, “Don’t call me, I’ll call you?”  Did the mat welcome me to join the neighborhood but deter the neighborhood from joining me in my home?  Did the “Welcome Mat” at my front door reflect the “Welcome Mat” to my heart?

To my loved ones and close friends, the “Welcome Mat” to my heart is always placed just right.  The smile on my face is warm and inviting; “Come in, stay awhile, let’s talk,” with a warm hug to seal the deal.  But what about those that are not quite so dear, the ones that are needy and don’t mind sharing their every problem, the ones that take and take until you have nothing left to give?  Do you rush to turn your “Welcome Mat” around when you see them coming toward you?  We have all experienced an upside down “Welcome Mat” from someone in our life; the shuttered expression, the pasted on smile that doesn’t quite reach the eyes, the stilted comments, hinting that there are so many more important things for them to do than waste their time speaking with you.  Yet, knowing the empty feelings of viewing the upside down “Welcome Mat,” I fear I have turned my own upside down too many times.
What Would Jesus Do?  I am so thankful that I never find the “Welcome Mat” placed the wrong way when I need to visit with God.  Even when it has been a while, the “Welcome Mat” beckons to me and invites me to run to His welcoming arms.  God never tells me, “This really isn’t a good time” or “I’m doing something really important right now, I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m free."  What about the times, God needs to speak to me?  Does my “Welcome Mat” give its welcoming message to enter whenever He desires or does it only point the way for my convenience?  If you have felt a little lonely lately, check your “Welcome Mat.”  If it seems that God isn’t answering your prayers, maybe it is time to turn your “Welcome Mat” around. 

Revelation 3:20 says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. God is always knocking, always ready for a visit, always has the answer you need.  Turn your “Welcome Mat” around and invite Him in to your life.

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