Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Last week, Steve and I spent a wonderful, relaxing weekend at our cottage at Higgins Lake.  It was such a beautiful pre-autumn, fluffy cloud, 70 degree day that we decided to take a hike along Marl Lake.  Although we have owned the cottage for about 14 years we had never followed the trails around Marl Lake, so this would be a new adventure.  At the beginning of the trail was a map showing the trails and the various checkpoints all clearly marked, so we confidently began our trek into the woods.  We were quickly surrounded by the sounds of chirps, cracking twigs, and scurrying feet harmonizing with the rustling leaves and the soft whisper of ferns and water lapping at the shore.  We continued along the path lined with pine needles and falling leaves and suddenly there it was, just as the map promised; checkpoint 2 and an arrow pointing ahead to checkpoint 3.  All we had to do was follow the path.

It wasn’t all mindless walking, a couple of times I stumbled over a tree root, sometimes the ground was uneven, we stepped around large stones and had to climb over a fallen tree that blocked the path but we continued along following the signs.  Then, up a hill and around a bend it happened; a fork in the path.  Both paths were equally cleared and equally inviting, so a discussion ensued.  Steve, who has an unbelievable sense of direction, was sure we should take the path that went to the right.  After all, it looked easy enough and was definitely going in the direction of the parking lot (which we could not see).  Although the other path was narrower and less smooth, sensible, unadventurous Susan felt we should keep going straight ahead because there was no sign with an arrow pointing to the right.  I won; we walked straight ahead and ended at the parking lot.  I’m not sure where Steve’s path led and I never saw an opening to the parking lot where it ended.  It might have been a shorter, smoother way or it might have been a dead end…it will remain the “path not taken.”
God has clearly marked the Path of Life.  It is up to us to trust the signs He puts along the way and follow them.  Sometimes it seems that it is a long walk between checkpoints and doubt begins to set in that we are even on the right path.  Just when we are about to turn around, there it is, a sign with the arrow pointing straight ahead.  Often a tree root or large stone may cause us to stumble or a fallen tree may delay the journey; climb over it and keep on walking.  As you continue along the path, you will be presented with a choice; straight ahead or veer to the right.  No matter how short or easy the alternate path may seem, remember God’s path is clearly marked.  If you don’t see the sign with the arrow pointing, keep walking straight ahead.  You may wonder what adventures you missed by not exploring the “path not taken” but rest assured you have only missed a few snares, regrets and ultimately being lost in the woods.  Just keep walking!  Even if it is a step at a time, checkpoint to checkpoint; walk straight ahead and soon you will have made it and break through to the clearing.   

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