Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The sink was full of soaking dishes, dirty pots and pans were piled high on one counter, while a coating of flour, sugar and spices covered the other. To a casual visitor, it looked like a jumbled mess but the dirty dishes and messy countertops were not the final product, they were just necessary preparations for what was to come.

Soon the mess was cleaned up, but the orderliness of the kitchen could not hide the delicious smells wafting from the roasting turkey, baking pies and bubbling pots on the stove. Pausing for a moment and breathing deeply, she savored the sweet aroma of her labor of love. But the inviting smell filling the kitchen was not the goal; it only represented what was to come.

Finally, the kitchen buzzer sounded and the doorbell rang; it was time. Hungry kids and grandkids filled the home. The enticing aromas guaranteed that soon they would be stuffing their mouths with the time-tested recipes that were pulled out once a year, making sure that everyone’s favorite dish was on the menu. It was time, this was what all of the mess and all of the mouth-watering smells was really about; the children were home and dinner was served.

Often times in our spiritual journey, we have had a vision of the goal, but became overwhelmed because of the “dirty kitchen.” Discouraged, we looked around at the “rags” and broken pieces of our life, positive that even God couldn’t do much with such a mess. But the “Master Chef” holding the recipe of our dreams reminds us, this isn’t the final product, these are just necessary preparations for what is to come.

With order restored, our journey continues and the sweet aroma of God’s presence fills our life. Pause for a moment, take a deep breath and savor each blessing that He has prepared just for you every step of the way. Don’t pause, too long, however, because the little blessings along the way are just a hint of what He has waiting for you. You can’t even imagine what is to come.

The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 2:9, “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” One day the trumpet will sound and all God’s “hungry” children will be gathered home. It will be worth every messy kitchen, dirty pot and broken dish. The sweet aroma of blessings we enjoyed during the journey will pale in comparison to sound of His voice saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant…enter into the joy of the Lord.” WHAT A GATHERING THAT WILL BE!!!

1 comment:

suzanne said...

Thanks, Susan! Another keeper for the files to share with others along the way. :)