Tuesday, October 15, 2019



Psalms 119:45:46 I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts. I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings and will not be ashamed.

During the last week another controversy has arisen in the Sporting World…Imagine that! 

It seems that an NBA General Manager, exercising his right to Freedom of Speech tweeted his support for the Hong Kong Protestors.  The NBA immediately apologized to Communist China, for offending them and violating their belief that no one has a right to say anything that does not agree with their official government stance.  Players and Coaches joined in the chorus of calling for the General Manager to apologize and be subjected to some type of “punishment.”

WHAT????  FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS ONE OF THE MAIN PILLARS OF OUR CONSTITUTION!  It is not subject to the feelings of a foreign government. For America to remain a Beacon of Freedom, FREE SPEECH MUST REMAIN NON-NEGOTIABLE!

Everyone must have NON-NEGOTIABLES in their life. Your NON-NEGOTIABLES must be based on the WORD OF GOD and cannot be subject to the opinions or beliefs of anyone else.
Situations will arise and you will be challenged.  At first you may try to ignore the warning signals and justify your place in the situation.  You will list all the excuses to explain and validate your position…BUT…Eventually, you have to make the choice to stay or leave.

Your choice may go against family and friends; it may mean speaking out and standing firm, all by yourself; it may even mean that you lose your position…


If you have settled the WORD OF GOD in your heart and made it the MAIN PILLAR of your belief, when you are faced with a situation that requires a COMPROMISE of your NON-NEGOTIABLES, your ONLY CHOICE is to leave the situation…


You will no longer have the NON-NEGOTIABLES to guard your heart and Satan will have found the opening for which he has been searching.

Whatever you may face today; whatever obstacles you may find along the path, STAND FIRM ON THE NON-NEGOTIABLES.  They will be the lamp that lights the path; they will be the wind that fills your sails; they will guide you through the maze of life until the end; then carry you into eternity.

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