Tuesday, October 15, 2019



Act 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place where they had assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the Word of God with boldness.

Social Media can be a great tool for gathering a Prayer Group.  Within just a few short minutes I can post a need; a call to prayer and have hundreds all over the United States and other countries joining me; touching the Throne of God.  It is becoming more common, however, to ask for or offer “GOOD THOUGHTS.” 

WHAT?????????????  GOOD THOUGHTS? 

GOOD THOUGHTS may make me feel better about a situation; they may make me smile or get me out of my funk, but GOOD THOUGHTS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION; my problem still exists.  It is still waiting to be dealt with.

GOOD THOUGHTS…Okay, sometimes I have GOOD THOUGHTS when I’m talking to God, but more often than not, my THOUGHTS ARE NOT SO GOOD …that is until God straightens out my STINKIN’ THINKIN’.  So if you are just wanting some GOOD THOUGHTS, I am probably not your Gal.

When I am struggling; when I am sick; when I have a need, I run right past all the GOOD THOUGHTS straight for the POWER-FILLED PRAYER!  I am seeking someone to join me who knows what it means to get HOLD OF GOD; I’m looking for the PLACE TO SHAKE.

If you are dealing with impossible situations; if you are in need of prayer today, find a PLACE SHAKING PRAYER WARRIOR.  Then join them in prayer until you feel the SHAKING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. 

Now that your little world is ALL SHOOK UP, things will start LOOKING UP.  God is sending the answers you’ve been searching for; your healing touch is on its way; the path through the storm is suddenly visible AND….YOU EVEN HAVE A FEW GOOD THOUGHTS!


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