Wednesday, August 16, 2017


1 Peter 4:10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

When we finally come to understand that God created us to be STEWARDS not OWNERS, He will become Lord over our life.

PREACHERS, that includes the call God has placed on your life; it is NOT YOUR CALL...You DON'T OWN it; you are a STEWARD.

PARENTS, that includes the children God has placed in your family; love them, provide and care for them and raise them to know the love of God, BUT...You DON'T OWN them; you are a STEWARD.

EMPLOYEE, that includes the job or career you work at every day; God has provided it as a source of blessing and...You DON'T OWN it; you are a STEWARD.

CHILD OF GOD, that includes every blessing that surrounds you; God gives them because it is HIS GOOD PLEASURE...You DON'T OWN them; you are a STEWARD.

Quit trying to take OWNERSHIP of everything that God sends your way, tend to it as a GOOD STEWARD and the MASTER will multiply it abundantly in your life.

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