Monday, August 14, 2017


Jude 1:22-23 And of some have COMPASSION, making a difference: 23 And others save with FEAR, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by flesh.

Meditating on this verse today…

We all have those dear ones that we hold close to our heart, yet grieve daily because they are far from God.  We pray and don’t see any change.  We wonder; what will it take?  Can anything or anyone reach them?  Our mention of “End Time, Prophetic” news reports are met with derision; even fear doesn’t touch them.  We preach, then they no longer come around…and we weep.

Maybe it is time for COMPASSION.

Lose the “End Time” reports.  Stop the preaching and offer a hug instead.  Greet them with a smile.  Ask about their life, WITH INTEREST and WITHOUT CONDEMNATION!   Above all…Tell them you LOVE them.

I see so many that love Jude 1:23.  They are always ready to point out spotted garments and use fear and guilt to minister to the hurting.


Verse 22 comes first and it contains a key word…COMPASSION!

A little FEAR may get their attention but it is COMPASSION THAT WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!

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