Tuesday, July 25, 2017


James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness.” And he was called the FRIEND OF GOD.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines FRIEND as “One attached to another by affection or esteem; a favored companion.” 

In today’s vernacular, the word “FRIEND” has so many different meanings.  It may signify an acquaintance, a colleague, someone favorable to a cause and of course in Facebook Land, a “FRIEND” is someone who is connected to your page.  You may have never met them, actually spoken to them or really know anything about them but they have given you a “thumbs up” on many occasions and you read their posts and status updates, so you call them “FRIEND.”

James 2:23 tells us there was one man in the Bible that had the distinct title, “FRIEND OF GOD.”  Because of his unwavering FAITH in God and his WILLING OBEDIENCE to the call of God, Abraham would be immortalized in Scripture as a “FRIEND OF GOD.”

It would be awesome to be known in your community, because of your steadfast faith, as “One attached to God or a favored companion of God.”  Your epitaph, the words etched on your tombstone; the words your descendants would walk by and read, would be “SUSAN; FRIEND OF GOD.”

Yes, a “FRIEND OF GOD” would be an awesome, yet humbling title, but I believe Abraham had an EVEN MORE IMPORTANT TITLE; Abraham was a “CONFIDANT OF GOD!”

Genesis 18:17-18 And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing, since Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him.  

Then he adds in the first part of Verse 19 “FOR I HAVE KNOWN HIM.”

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines CONFIDANT – One to whom secrets are entrusted – comes from an Italian adjective “Confidente” meaning TRUSTWORTHY.

We read in Genesis, just after Abraham receives Angelic Visitors to assure him that God has not forgotten HIS PROMISE and that he and Sarah will have a son. Then Abraham walks with them away from his dwelling; he and his visitors walking in the Shekinah Glory of God.  Abraham’s faith was so steadfast, that God esteemed and honored him by taking him into His confidence.  GOD STILL HONORS FAITH!

God said, “I will still destroy Sodom BUT not without alerting MY FRIEND;” Abraham became the CONFIDANT OF GOD.  God entrusted His Secrets to him.

So what did Abraham do with his new status and knowledge?  I can assure you he DID NOT grab his Smartphone and post his new job title, “CONFIDANT OF GOD!”  He status update did not include the cryptic message, “SO BLESSED TO KNOW THE MIND OF GOD.”  He didn’t hang a “shingle” on his tent or regale his friends and family with boastful stories of his new-found favor…NO, ABRAHAM BECAME AN INTERCESSOR!

Does God know you well enough to honor you with His plans? What would you do if God entrusted you with the knowledge of His future actions?   Perhaps, He is or already has…REMEMBER that time you were wide awake at 3 a.m. with a burden to pray for that wayward loved one?  Or that time, during devotions, you were overcome with grief and could only weep for the lost?  Or perhaps it was the time that an impending sense of tragedy overwhelmed you and you asked God for protection for a friend….GOD MADE YOU HIS CONFIDANT; YOU WERE AN INTERCESSOR!

 It could be that even now God is saying, “Shall I hide from Susan, what I am doing?”   God is calling you to an honor far above that of FRIENDSHIP; He is calling you to be HIS CONFIDANT because someone needs you to BECOME AN INTERCESSOR!!!

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