Monday, July 24, 2017


Hebrews 6:19 This hope we have as an ANCHOR OF THE SOUL, both sure and steadfast and which enters the Presence behind the veil,

I recently listened to a wonderful message by my friend Pastor Wendell Maynard, entitled, ‘THE ANCHOR HOLDS.”  His messages are always anointed, encouraging and beautifully delivered, AND…set my mind spinning…so I apologize and thank my friend, in advance, for inspiration and for taking his thoughts in a different direction.

Pastor Maynard’s message related Paul’s account in Acts 27, of his experience at sea in the midst of a powerful storm.  Paul received a Word from the Lord and commanded that the anchors be let down and everyone was to STAY IN THE SHIP.  In his message, THE SHIP is THE CHURCH and if we stay IN THE SHIP we will all be saved.  A great exhortation…God’s Church  is a place of safety; a haven in the time of a storm BUT it is important that you make sure you are in GOD’S CHURCH and make sure to what THE ANCHOR IS ATTACHED!

We read a little further in Acts 27 and realize not all was perfect…the Captain of the ship LET GO of the ANCHORS, hoisted the main sail and RAN THE SHIP AGROUND, where the STERN WAS BROKEN by the violent waves…KNOW THE CAPTAIN OF THE SHIP!

Then we read that a Centurion, in order to save Paul, ordered the prisoners to JUMP OVERBOARD, grab hold of ship scraps and get to shore however they could manage. 

Have you ever felt like one of these prisoners?  You were riding high in ‘THE SHIP” when suddenly a storm hit and the ANCHOR DIDN’T HOLD.  You were thrown overboard, told to grab whatever you could find floating beside you and try to get to shore.  Some of us made it to shore but so many did not.

Which brings me to my thoughts…

The security of the ship is only as dependable as the mooring to which you attach the anchor. 

In March a storm blew up over Pensacola Bay.  We watched from the deck of our condo as a boat came loose from its anchor and was tossed out of control toward the docks.  The owners waded out in the storm, jumped in the boat and finally got it started to steer away from the docks and secure the anchor.  The anchor had been dug into the sandy bottom, which works when the sun is shining and the waters are calm but when the winds began to blow and the storm raged, a more secure mooring was required for attaching the anchor.

Are you facing a raging storm in your life?  OR perhaps you’ve been thrown overboard and you are grasping a broken plank, just trying to keep your head above water.  If your anchor was attached to a congregation or a specific pastor, you are not going to make it to shore.  BUT, if your anchor is in JESUS CHRIST, let the winds blow, let the storm rage; even if the ship breaks up or you are thrown overboard; TRUST THE ANCHOR!

The words of this old song remind us that there is no need to fear when we are ANCHORED TO THE ROCK OF AGES!

♪♪ “I’ve anchored in Jesus, the storms of life I’ll brave.
I’ve anchored in Jesus; I fear no wind nor wave.
I’ve anchored in Jesus, for He has power to save.

I’ve anchored in the Rock of Ages.” ♪♪

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