Sunday, May 7, 2017


Mark 9:41 For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My Name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.

“It doesn’t matter what you say, it matters that you’re there.”(Commissioner Frank Reagan, Blue Bloods)

These words sunk into my heart as I watched an episode from one of my favorite dramatic series.  We’ve all been in situations where we just didn’t know what to say.  They are always difficult situations involving death, hurt or loss of some kind and we struggle to give comfort and encouragement with our words.

We have devised platitudes and clichés just to have something to say.  Please believe me when I say, “God needed another angel,” or “Heaven needed them more than earth,” or “at least they are not suffering anymore,” or “they are in a better place,” really does not give comfort and may actually add to their grief and anger.

When my Dad passed away, I heard all the “canned” phrases and I understood that people were just trying to give comfort when no comfort could be found, but one friend’s words or “non-words” have stuck with me for17 years.

We had come back home to Saginaw, there was no family surrounding me and the grief was overwhelming.  I couldn’t bring myself to go to church that Sunday evening and my friend Sophie asked if she could come and sit with me.  She walked in the door, gave me a hug, a beautiful plant and said, simply, “Tell me about your dad,” then listened to me and cried with me.  IT MATTERED THAT SHE WAS THERE!

Someone in your world NEEDS YOU TO BE THERE!

A quote, attributed to Francis of Assisi, although not verified is “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.”  What a beautiful portrayal of a Christian’s daily life, at least ideally.  Unfortunately, we have found that it is easier to “use words” than it is to “be there.”


As you go to church this morning, carry that commission with you.  As you pray with someone this morning, you are BEING THERE!  As you shake hands or give someone a smile and a hug, you are BEING THERE!  When you ask that visitor to sit with you or share your Bible, you are BEING THERE!

Don’t worry about the words; they may not even be necessary if you WILL JUST BE THERE!

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