Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Revelation 2: 20 But I have this against you, that you TOLERATE that woman, Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols.

Every generation looks at the next and they wonder, “What did we do wrong?”  Maybe it is time we looked in the mirror.  It began with us being TOLERANT.

TOLERANTWilling to ACCEPT feelings, habits or beliefs that are different from your own.

TOLERANCE has become the hallmark of an intelligent, progressive society.  Our TOLERANT SOCIETY has become TOLERANT of everything except INTOLERANT PEOPLE.  Any lifestyle, any philosophy, any choice or action is TOLERATED AND CELEBRATED except a LIFESTYLE OF HOLINESS, a PHILOSOPHY OF TRUTH or a CHOICE OF COMMITMENT.  There is no TOLERANCE for a belief in ABSOLUTES or RIGHT vs. WRONG or the people who embrace such a narrow worldview.

We began to equate TOLERANCE with LOVE and celebrated every word, action or thought from “Little Johnny and Mary,” without correction because we “loved” them.  We sent them to school with no firm foundation on which to base all the information and situations they would encounter. Then, when they came home from school with “progressive” philosophies, we celebrated their ability to “think outside the box.” 

We fed them a daily diet of media and sitcoms before tucking them into bed, without nightly devotions, because we didn’t want to influence them or direct their life choices.  Then when Dad was disrespected as a “buffoon” and lifestyle experimentation began, we tolerated their behavior as just “kids being kids,” positive that someday they would grow up.

Well they DID GROW UP and we got exactly WHAT WE TOLERATED.

We now have a new segment of Society that has no respect for authority or anyone who disagrees with any action, thought or word that comes from their celebrated little brain.  They embrace the Constitution in protecting their right to “FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION,” but also believe it protects their “right” of “FREEDOM TO BE AGREED WITH.” And they will shout you down or use violence if necessary to protect that “right.”

This new population also believes in the “RIGHT TO SELF-FULFILLMENT” no matter how it may affect anyone else in their life or society.  They have a “right” to a job they like with the wage they desire regardless of how it may affect the employer or the consumer.  They have a “right” to destroy you, your business and financial health, if you disagree with their “right to self-fulfillment.”  They have a right to sexual expression and experimentation; if it means families are destroyed, kids are broken and confused, that’s not their problem; they have a RIGHT!

If they wake up and decide to use a different bathroom or locker room, who are you to feel uncomfortable?  YOU ARE INTOLERANT!  If they choose to mutilate their bodies, kill their babies and change the definition of Biblically established institutions, we should not only set our “archaic and outdated” philosophies aside, we are expected to pull out our wallet and pay for their choices.  Yep, we need to look in the mirror!


Is there a cure?  Have we “jumped the shark?”  NO!!!  The secret is in the word, NO and it begins IN OUR HOMES!  It is time to stand up and say NO…we will NOT tolerate or celebrate UNGODLINESS, whether in speech, thought or lifestyle.

We WILL NOT TOLERATE such things coming into our home nightly or leaving our house in the mornings.  This means CENSORSHIP has to be practiced…censorship of media, Ungodly speech and thought.  It calls for PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY to teach, practice and enforce Godly Principles.  There will be a need for DISCIPLINARY MEASURES to be instituted.   “Little Johnny or Mary” will have to realize they do NOT rule the world and there are ABSOLUTES, consequently, at times they WILL BE WRONG!


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