Thursday, April 13, 2017


Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the JOY that was set before Him, ENDURED the cross, despising the shame and sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God.

This blog is for REAL PEOPLE…People who have heard and answered the CALL OF GOD on their life, have faced disappointment and confusion, have lost their faith in people but still trust God; People who have experienced the PAIN OF THE CALL.

If you are ULTRA-SPIRITUAL with one foot in heaven and only a tip of your toe touching earth, don’t bother reading; you’ve transcended the PAIN OF THE CALL. 

If you have ever heard the Voice of God drawing you into Kingdom Service, you have experienced the JOY OF THE CALL.  You know the burden for souls that wakes you in the night and the empathy for the dear ones God has placed in your care that breaks your heart and causes the tears to fall.  You have experienced the exhilaration of the anointing flowing through you as you preach, teach, pray and the glory when even one soul makes that commitment to follow Jesus. And you never want to lose the sweet peace of knowing that you are living in the PERFECT WILL OF GOD.  But then…

There are those times when your mind becomes cluttered with circumstance and the messages become confusing.  The times when you feel God is not done with this season of your call but you are at the mercy of leaders, a Board or even a congregation and they declare, “YOUR SEASON HERE IS OVER!” And you feel the PAIN OF THE CALL.

What do you do?  You are supposed to be an example?  Did you really get it right?  Why doesn’t God step in and stop the events from taking place?  You gave all; you loved, left friends, family, jobs, houses and lands to follow THE CALL; what now?  The JOY OF THE CALL is overshadowed by THE PAIN.

This week, I was reminded of that pain once again and as I wept and bared my heart to God, I wondered, “If I had known the pain would I have accepted and followed the call?”  Honestly, I DON’T KNOW!  Then God, because of His great love, wrapped His arms around me and reminded me, He has been there.  Even Jesus experienced the PAIN OF THE CALL!

Matthew 26:39 He went a little farther and fell on His face and prayed, saying, “O Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will but as You will.”

But He was God…and He was man.  Can you imagine knowing all the details of your life, right up to the circumstances of your death, from the moment of birth?  That would be too much to handle and we would probably try to change our destiny.  Jesus, as fully God, knew all the details of His “Call,” and as fully Man, he experienced the pain.

His mission was to be the “Sacrificial Lamb;” the sacrifice that would satisfy God’s judgment of sin for all; forever.  As God, He willingly left the splendor of Heaven, robed himself in flesh and dwelt among us. But as Man, Jesus had questions and even prayed to escape THE PAIN OF THE CALL! So what prevented Him from walking away from the mission; from disappearing in the wilderness or even using His power as God to rain down vengeance on those who had condemned Him? 

Hebrews 12:2 gives us the insight, “For the joy that was set before Him.”  The JOY OF THE CALL overrode the PAIN OF THE CALL!

At this moment, THE PAIN is so great that THE JOY has faded.  The successful moments have been swallowed up in the moments of defeat. You feel suspended between the WILL OF GOD and the ACTIONS OF MEN.  But remember this one fact in the midst of your pain, GOD IS NOT SURPRISED AT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE AND HE HAS IT ALL FIGURED INTO THE MISSION!

Allow God to wrap His Arms of Love around you and refocus your vision.  The PAIN will not go away and even 5 years later, it may threaten to overwhelm your heart but THE CALL still remains and His MISSION is still the same…SOULS!

Stay faithful; there is a great reward and one day, we will bring THE PAIN AND THE JOY OF THE CALL and lay them down before THE THRONE!


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