Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Isaiah 12:3 Therefore with joy you will draw water from the Wells of Salvation.

If you have known me for a long time or even followed me on Facebook, it will come as no surprise that a lot of my thinking is done in song.  I usually wake with a song going through my head and throughout the day a song will come to mind as an encouragement, material for a blog or as a compliment to various situations.

After living so many years, I am convinced that I have forgotten more songs than I can remember.  Actually, they are not forgotten, but catalogued into folders, filed in my brain, just waiting for the perfect time to pop into my “mental jukebox.”

This morning the old hymn that popped into my mind, begins like this,

♪♪ “Oh the joy of sins forgiven, oh the bliss the blood-washed know.” ♪♪

Isn’t that a beautiful thought?  Ok, I know it isn’t “OCEANS” or “THE KING OF THE WORLD,” or any of the current Praise and Worship songs topping the charts but when you know that your sins have been forgiven, OH THE JOY!!!

So now I’m singing…

♪♪ “Cleansed from every sin and stain, whiter than the driven snow,
Now I sing my sweet refrain, where the healing waters flow.”
“Where the Healing Waters flow, where the joys celestial glow,
Oh there’s peace and rest and love,
Where the Healing Waters flow.” ♪♪

I KNOW; I KNOW….it was written by H. H. Heimer and published in 1951, before most of us were born but life hasn’t really changed since that time.  We still need to have our Sins Forgiven, we still crave Peace and Rest and Love and the “Healing Waters” still flow from the foot of the Cross. So sing with me…

♪♪ “Oh this precious perfect love!
How it keeps the heart aglow.
Streaming from the fount above,
Where the Healing Waters flow.” ♪♪

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