Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Daniel 2:20 Daniel answered and said, “Blessed be the Name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His.

During the holidays, I receive several emails every day, showcasing the “perfect” gift, dream vacation, “best” deal of the year and other amazing offers designed to separate me from my husband’s hard earned money.  My favorite computer key has become the “DELETE” button and my “TRASH” file has become full.  This morning, I routinely began to “scan” and “delete,” when the Holy Spirit impressed me to “go back to the trash file.”  The particular email that caught my eye offered a book on “Dream Interpretation,” from an author celebrating “10 years of dream interpretation.”

Now WHY would the Holy Spirit direct me to this email?  I don’t even remember having a dream last night.  And HOW could a book, first written 10 years ago, tell me and thousands of other readers the meaning of a dream?  EXACTLY!!! Then the Holy Spirit began to whisper to my heart… 

“I am the GIVER of the dream and if you will seek me, I will be the INTERPRETER of the dream.”

Now before you begin to quote scripture and give Biblical examples of Dream Interpretation, I will give them to you.  God used “Dream Interpretation” to free Joseph from prison and elevate him to a place of leadership in Egypt and ultimately save his family…of course it was because of his “Dream Interpretation Bragging” that led to his eventual imprisonment; but that is a lesson for another day.

 God used a dream interpretation to encourage Gideon to lead the Israelite army to victory against the Midianites.  And of course, during this Christmas season, we remember that another Joseph was assured that it was okay to take a pregnant Mary to be his wife.  A couple of years later, Joseph was warned in a dream of impending danger and told to flee to Egypt.  As we search the Word of God, we find many other instances in which God spoke to people through dreams with warnings, assurances and direction. 

Daniel 2:28 But there is a God in Heaven who reveals secrets…

Perhaps one of the more famous Dream Interpreters is Daniel.  Daniel was a Hebrew taken into captivity in Babylon, where he continued to serve God.  Because of Daniel’s faithfulness, God gave him “understanding in all visions and dreams.” Daniel 1:17.  King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that troubled him greatly.  He called for his magicians, astrologers and sorcerers and asked; not only for the interpretation but that they also tell him the dream.  I guess that would weed out all the false prophets.  Of course they all failed and a decree was issued to begin killing all the “wise” men, one of which was Daniel.  Though it may have been the decree of the king, it was not the decree of God, so Daniel asked to be taken to the king, where he would not only interpret the dream but reveal the dream itself.

Yes, God speaks through dreams and God uses people to interpret and deliver a prophetic word, but…His desire is to speak DIRECTLY; one on one to the person with which He has a personal relationship.  Can a book really reveal the deep spiritual truths that God desires to share with MY heart?  Do I really desire to read the words on the sterile pages of a generic book instead of spending times in the warm embrace of my Father and feel the breath of His Holy Spirit as He whispers the interpretation of His dreams for me?

I am reminded of this quote by my nephew, Jonathan Sanders, “To those on a constant search for a prophetic word or sign…Try finding the direction in prayer and the Word of God.  God doesn’t have to put your mail in somebody else’s mailbox, if you check yours every day.”

Have you checked your “Mailbox” today?  God has the answer waiting for you, if you will take the time to “sort the mail.”  By the way, He also has several “love letters” waiting for you that you definitely do not want to miss.

Have a Blessed Day as you spend time with the GIVER AND INTERPRETER OF YOUR DREAMS!

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