Thursday, June 16, 2016


Proverbs 16:19 A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

We all have those wonderful people in our life who THINK they have life “all figured out.”  You can just feel their beady little eyes peering down their nose at your own chaotic, merry-go-round of a life.  They can barely keep the disdain from seeping out as they let loose a fountain of advice.  And sometimes you wonder, “Am I the only one who just can’t get it together?”  Every time I see a hint of blue sky, a storm cloud moves in and strong winds scatter my puzzle pieces all over the floor…and believe me, they’ve been stepped on multiple times.

Well here is a little secret that those “life together/figured it out people” don’t want you to know…IT IS JUST A FAÇADE or at the most a temporary situation.  It never fails, just when I start to fit the last puzzle piece in place, ready to lean back and say, “finally, it's finished, God says, “Here is a part you forgot to finish” and hands me another pile of confusing pieces.  Most of the time, He doesn’t even let me see the box, so I can at least envision the finished picture. BUT, that doesn’t mean, I have to put the pieces together alone.  Oh no, if I will invite Him to join me, He directs my hand to the right piece and helps me fit it in perfectly.  It is only when I think I can finish the picture on my own or change the picture to fit my ideas; when I think I have it “all figured out,” that I get in trouble.

Luke 12:18-19 So he said, “I will do this, I will pull down my barns and build greater and there I will store all my crops and my goods.” And I will say to my soul, “Soul you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink and be merry.”

Luke 12 relates a story of a man who finally had life “all figured out.” He had spent his life working hard, had spent his money frugally and was now ready to rest.  The final piece of the puzzle was in his hand and he was ready to finish the picture.  After all, what could be wrong with enjoying the fruit of his labor?  He would get the barn built and spend the rest of his life pursing pleasure…He would finally get to experience all the things he had dreamed of all those years.  BUT, he forgot to ask God to be involved…God, however, had not forgotten him or the finished picture; He had planned for the “barn builder” from the beginning.

Luke 12:20 But God said to him, “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you; then who will those things be which you have provided?”

OOPS!!! Not the words he wanted to hear.  “The best laid plans” etc, etc, etc.  How differently the ending of the story could have been, IF ONLYIF ONLY, he had consulted with God; IF ONLY, he had not spent his life pursing temporary happiness; IF ONLY, he had placed his hope in things eternal…IF ONLY!

The ending of my story has not yet been written and my puzzle is still unfinished, surrounded by many confusing pieces but years ago I surrendered the pen and the box to Jesus Christ.  He sees the finished picture and is writing the beautiful ending. 

So, peer down your nose with pity at my life or look me straight with eyes of pride at your own life, I am not afraid to admit, “I DON’T HAVE IT TOGETHER!”  And I don’t have to because I not only desire God to DIRECT MY STEPS but I am asking Him to also put His plan, complete with the ending in my heart.

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