Wednesday, April 20, 2016


A parent can provide you with a good foundation with which to build but cannot build a life for you upon that foundation…that is up to you.

A school can provide you with the information necessary to be successful in a career but cannot implant your brain with knowledge of the information or instill you with ambition to use that knowledge and get a job…that is up to you.

A government can guarantee you with the right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” but even if they provide you with “free stuff” through government largesse, that same government cannot guarantee the outcome of your pursuit or guarantee that you will pursue…that is up to you.

The Church can provide you with spiritual instruction of God’s plan for salvation and encourage you to make choices to follow God as you journey through life but the Church cannot confer salvation upon you or guarantee your eternal destination…that is up to you, God and your relationship with Him.

Success in any area is entirely dependent on what you do with what you have and the opportunities you encounter.  

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