Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Psalms 42:1 As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.

If only I had a million dollars, my life would be perfect.  I would put half in the bank, pay off my house, give a nice check to my favorite charity and go on a fabulous vacation with Steve, my kids and grandkids.  But….would that be enough?  Maybe 2 million or 5 million would be better.  I am almost certain the person who has 5 million, hopes someday to grow that sum to 10 million, than 100 million and maybe a billion….It seems the desire for money is never satisfied; THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH!!!

Eight months ago, I just wanted to lose 50 pounds.  Even before I reached that goal, I increased it to 60 pounds, then 65.  I finally lost 65 pounds, my clothes fit, I feel great and I said to Steve, “If I could lose just 5 pounds more.”  My sweet husband, a citizen of “Realville,” replied, “Would that be ENOUGH or would you want to lose another 5, then another?”  Well, OF COURSE, I would be satisfied…but would I? OR would I continue to concentrate on the flaws instead of the success?

Wallis Simpson, the Duchess of Windsor has been credited with saying, “You can never be too rich or too thin.”  Most of us will never find out the truth or the fallacy of that statement, but we believe it contains just enough truth to keep us striving to acquire just a “little more” wealth or starting the latest fad diet, drinking the latest “miracle” meal replacement drink or downing a newly discovered S. African “Fat Melting” pill… at least for a couple of weeks.  But, IT IS NEVER ENOUGH…until it comes to our relationship with God!

Psalms 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him.

Too many times, we have an encounter with God; we get just a “taste,” then walk away satisfied.  We continue living our lives, existing on that single “taste” as if IT IS MORE THAN ENOUGH! 

STOP!!!!  You are leaving a WHOLE MEAL on the table.  That “taste” is meant to merely STIMULATE your appetite not SATISFY your desire.  Pull up a seat, Jesus has “the table spread;” dig in!  Take a big bite; now we’re talkin’.  The longer you linger at the “table;” the more time you spend in His presence, the bigger your appetite for God will grow…you will NEVER HAVE ENOUGH.

Isaiah 12:3 With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

Isaiah declares that God has a “WELL” from which we can draw.  Not just a holiday meal that we enjoy once a year, then exist on the memory of that experience until the next holiday get together…there is a WELL!

Don’t allow yourself to be satisfied with just a “TASTE” when you can draw from the “WELL.”  GET FAT IN GOD!!!  Refuse to be satisfied; God has another GOURMET MEAL prepared including DESSERT; dig in.  After lingering at the table, you will be saying, “THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH; I WANT MORE!”

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