Sunday, April 10, 2016


1 Corinthians 10:12 Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.


When God opens your eyes to awesome revelations in His Word, it is easy to begin to feel “Spiritually Superior.”  Spiritual Superiority is nothing more than the embrace of the Sin of Pride. Spiritual Superiority says that God’s Grace gives me the advantage and sets me above anyone who has not yet experienced Grace or is not as far along the journey as I think I am.

 A person becomes so proud of their understanding of the Word of God that they began to define and codify Godly principles for themselves and others into law.  With the advent of laws come penalties for violators and Enforcers only too happy to point out the “sin” and shun the “sinner.”  But what if our interpretation, laws and behavior are the real violations…think about these two ladies and what if they had been shunned by some people of God who instead decided to show grace.

Rahab, was a harlot from Jericho; a Canaanite woman.  Jericho was a city that would be absolutely destroyed as Joshua led the Children of Israel on their quest to the Promised Land.  But because of a choice to show kindness and mercy, made by a “less than desirable” woman, Rahab not only saved her family but married a man named Salmon and they became the parents of Boaz, the Great-Grandfather of King David.

Ruth was a Moabite; a people shunned by the Jews because they were descended from an incestuous relationship between Lot and his daughter.  Yet she was accepted by, Boaz, a Kinsman Redeemer and the son of Rahab, who not only married Ruth, but together, they became the parents of Obed the Grandfather of King David who would be listed in the lineage of Jesus Christ.

Be careful who you exclude from your little circle, who you shun because they were not born to the right family, don’t follow your rules or have your highly-vaunted revelations; you may be excluding YOUR part in the plan of God.  

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