Friday, November 27, 2015


1 Thessalonians 5:18  In everything give thanks: 
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Yesterday was Thanksgiving and many gathered around the table with friends and family and spoke of being thankful.  On Face book, November is designated as “Thankfulness Month,” with many uplifting posts about being thankful and listing something each day, for which to be thankful.  But now Thanksgiving Day is over, the turkey will be consumed today as a “leftover,” family and friends have returned home, and “Black Friday” bargains are the order of the day; what happened to THANKFULNESS?

THANKFULNESS…It is not about things.  There are people who have lots of things, yet are unthankful.  There are many that have no material wealth, yet live everyday with a thankful heart.

THANKFULNESS…It is not about opportunity and achievement.  The hotel CEO may feel the pride in the pinnacle he has reached, yet hate every moment he lives, while the hotel maid may sing songs of praise as she cleans bathrooms she does not own.

THANKFULNESS…it isn’t even about the people who share your life.  You may be miserable, surrounded by love or you may be a single person with no one to share the holiday and still feel blessed.

THANKFULNESS is a DECISION that causes you to see people, things and situations in the proper perspective…

It is about HOPE; “God so loved the world.” 

It is CONFIDENCE that your “Steps are ordered by the Lord.” 

It is the PEACE in knowing that God can take any situations and create a positive outcome. 
It is about accepting that you are loved with an EVERLASTING LOVE. 

It Is TRUSTING that “this world is not my home” and there will be a better tomorrow because I have been redeemed.

Although a set aside holiday may come to an end, having a THANKFUL HEART should never cease.  Yes, THANKSGIVING really is not about a DAY it is about a CHANGE OF HEART and a STATE OF MIND and the WILL OF GOD!

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