Thursday, November 26, 2015


1 Timothy 6:6-7 Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
7 For we brought nothing into this world
 and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

I find the verses preceding the above passage to be quite interesting.  In them, Paul is talking to Timothy about the people professing Christ, with whom he will come in contact.  Not all are pure of heart...Many will be ENVIOUS, always have EVIL  SUSPICIONS, obsessed with disputes and arguments over words...Is it possible that Paul saw a vision of the 21st Century?  Social Media, Christians, upset over people saying Happy "Turkey" Day instead of Happy Thanksgiving or Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas or removing snowflakes from a disposable cup?

Paul goes even further, saying, these people will have CORRUPT MINDS, DESTITUTE OF TRUTH and will even suppose that GODLINESS is a MEANS OF GAIN!!!  Can you IMAGINE?  People choosing to follow Christ because of what they can get?  Then he admonishes Timothy to WITHDRAW himself from such people.  Next, Paul speaks the truth found in verses 6 and 7.

CONTENTMENT IS A CONSCIOUS DECISION!!! It is waking up every morning with a heart of THANKSGIVING and making the intentional decision to accept whatever blessings God provides for that day, even if they don't resemble the vision of blessing you had in mind.

I have had so many look at my life, which they know nothing about, and say, "Well it is easy to be CONTENT when you have been so BLESSED."  And I would answer, "Yes, it is and I have been abundantly blessed."

OR maybe it is easy to be CONTENT because you know you are "Loved with a great love."  AND, because you know "That all things work together for good to those who love God; to those who are called according to His purpose."  Perhaps CONTENTMENT comes because your heart of THANKFULNESS opens your eyes to see the BLESSINGS others do not recognize.



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