Saturday, December 5, 2015


Every book has a beginning, middle and ending and no story is complete if any part is eliminated. The beginning gives you the cast of characters and the setting.  It will only confuse you to start in the middle or skip to the ending.  How will you understand the thinking, decisions, culture and relationships integral to the story if you don’t start at the beginning?  THE IMPORTANT MIDDLE...In the middle of the book the plot is developed. How boring the plot would be without a few conflicts and storms.

But you cannot eliminate the ending!

If you have ever picked up a used book and read it from cover to cover, only to find out that the last chapter or pages are missing, you know the incredible frustration that is experienced when you are left with no ending.  It is the END OF THE STORY where the answers to all of the questions are revealed. It is at the END OF THE STORY where the character of the players comes to light.  It is only at the END OF THE STORY that the hero or heroine emerges triumphant.

What about your story?

 Perhaps the setting and cast of characters was determined many years ago and the plot has developed into more chaos than you ever expected.  Your storm is being woven into the plot by circumstances beyond your control BUT you haven’t reached the ENDING, yet.  The ENDING is still being written, still to be determined by your decisions, choices, actions and reactions.

It is at the END OF YOUR STORY that the ANSWERS to all you questions will be revealed.  Your responsibility at the present time is wrapped up in the questions and to whom you trust for the answers…THE ENDING OF YOUR STORY MATTERS

It is at the END OF YOUR STORY that your true CHARACTER will be revealed.  You might as well accept the inevitable…Storms happen, you may be in the middle of a “hurricane” right now but all that matters to the end of your story is your response to the storm.  Are you wailing in fear or resting in faith?  Are your eyes on your circumstances or are you looking to the One who can lift you above the situation?  Are you complaining or praising…THE ENDING OF YOUR STORY MATTERS.

There will be a Hero or Heroine at the END OF YOUR STORY…Will it be YOU?  Will you emerge victorious or defeated?  Purpose in your heart today to keep walking; strengthen your resolve to keep trusting; keep your eyes on Jesus…THE ENDING OF YOUR STORY MATTERS.

♪♪ “By and by when the morning comes
When all the saints of God are gathered home
And we’ll understand it better by and by.” ♪♪

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