Monday, August 12, 2013


In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed a psychological theory known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  It is usually portrayed in the shape of a pyramid with all the basic human sustenance needs forming the base of the pyramid and the other 4 levels forming the rest of the structure.  The theory is that as each level is fulfilled, the human need for the next level is revealed.  Also, until each level is satisfied, a person cannot progress to the next level and reach the final goal of Self Actualization.  I find the 3rd (love/belonging) and 4th levels (esteem) so desired and strived for in today’s world.  Everyone wants to have their existence validated by someone else, you want to matter, you want to be heard and you want to be seen; no one truly wants to be invisible.
Just in case you think I’m getting too scientific or technical, let’s move on to the recent conversations that inspired this writing.  A friend and I were discussing a situation and she made the remark, “We were pretty much invisible.”  Her remark put everything into a neat little package that described her entire experience; Invisibility.  It really didn’t matter what positive events had occurred, her feeling of being invisible overshadowed everything.  In a different conversation, another friend remarked, BUT don't you like to think that SOMEONE is at least interested or cares enough to ASK? I may not choose to share, but I guess I would like the option!”  INVISIBILITY does not inspire a warm, fuzzy, secure, “all is right with my world” feeling.  Instead, it has the ability to make one feel small, unimportant and insignificant.

So many times in my life I have experienced the feeling of invisibility; walked into a room and no one even glanced my way; talked to the self-important individual who not only monopolized the conversation with his/her exploits but talked past my shoulder, scanning the room for anyone more interesting, exciting or of a greater social standing.  All of these contribute to a feeling of invisibility. 

There are times I have even felt invisible to God.
Now before you think I’ve lost my mind, my salvation and all reasoning, I know God sees and knows all but sometimes it feels no matter how hard you try, nothing works out, no matter how many tears you shed, they were all for nothing, no matter how many hours you spend on your knees, there doesn’t seem to be an answer and you feel you must be invisible.  BUT, YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE TO GOD!!!! 

You know all those tears you’ve shed and thought no one knew or cared?  God sees and He cares.  Read this precious promise from His Word;
 Psalms 56:7-9 You number my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
9 When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back;
This I know, because God is for me.

The Word of God contains many more promises to assure you that He knows your name, He knows right where you are, and He hears every prayer; “This I know, because God is for me.” 

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