Wednesday, August 7, 2013



In her book, Life is Tough, But God is Faithful, Sheila Walsh reminds us of the movie, Educating Rita.  While I do not recommend this as a wholesome family movie, there is a quote from one of the characters that has echoed through the ages and continues to call out from the heart of man.

Rita is a hairdresser from Liverpool, England.  She decides to better herself and enrolls in a university.  She has a hard time overcoming her background and gaining the confidence to fit in with the sophisticated, scholarly group at school.  Her husband and other family members are constantly berating her for trying to rise above her “station” in life.  One night she is at a pub with her husband, parents and friends.  As usually happens the men drink excessively and begin to sing songs along with the jukebox.  As the night progresses, the songs become more and more vulgar and the men become louder.  Rita’s mother looks at her with tears streaming down her face and says, “There must be better songs to sing than this...”

If this is the cry that you have been screaming but nobody has heard, let me assure you there IS A BETTER SONG; A NEW SONG.

 Psalms 40:3 says “He has put a new song in my mouth” and Psalms 96:1 says, “Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!  Sing to the LORD, all the earth.”

The new song that God will put in your mouth is:

 The world’s greatest Love Song:
            Oh Love of God, how rich and pure; how measureless and strong”

When your world feels like a war zone, it’s a Peace Movement Song:
“When peace like a river attendeth my way…It is well with my soul”;                                  

“Peace, peace, wonderful peace coming down from the Father above.  Sweep over my spirit forever I pray with fathomless billows of love.” 

A Song of Joy:
            It is joy unspeakable and full of glory.  Oh the half has never yet been told.”

When you are feeling lonely, it’s a song about Friendship:
            “What a friend we have in Jesus.  All our sins and griefs to bear.”

If you have failed, He gives a Song of Forgiveness:
            “I came to Jesus weary, worn and sad; He took my sins away, He took my sins away.” 

It is a song the angels cannot sing; a Song of Redemption:
“His favorite song of all is the song of the Redeemed.  When lost sinners, now made clean, lift their voices loud and strong.  When those purchased by His blood, lift to Him a song of love.”

He puts a song of Salvation in our hearts:
O the love that drew salvation's plan, O the grace that brought it down to man
  O the mighty gulf that God did span. At Calvary

God wants to give you a better song today.  Let him change the old song of pain, emptiness and loneliness to one of Amazing Grace.
“Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found; was blind but now I see.”         

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