Saturday, August 17, 2013


The Niswonger Grandkid’s Camp – 2013 was exciting and full of activities.  One of the most highly anticipated activities was painting the fort that Grandpa and the Grandkids were building.  Holding 4-year old Anabel’s hand as we walked toward the garage, I listened to her chatter excitedly about painting her panels.  I told her I had bought pink paint especially for her and I also had green, blue, white, yellow and orange.  Suddenly, Anabel looked up at me with her sparkling blue eyes and said, “I love pink, it is my favorite but if I had orange that would be a great opportunity.”

Most of the time we are so focused on what we don’t have, what is missing, or what is happening that we ignore the “great opportunities” around us each day.    God provides us with the pink paint and when he includes the orange, just because He’s God, we throw up our hands in frustration and ask, “What am I supposed to do with this?”  Or maybe it just isn't the combination you wanted.  I am sure Joseph was all excited about his future when God gave him dreams but the excitement waned when he realized God had thrown a little “orange” in the mix.  A foreign land, slavery and prison were not a combination he wanted in his dream.  Joseph would have spent the rest of his years rotting in prison; full of self-pity if he had not recognized the “great opportunity” God was sending his way.  The “pink” and “orange” were a God-given ticket to the palace.

As you reflect on your dreams and goals, perhaps all of the “orange” is overpowering the small smear of “pink” on your masterpiece.  It wasn’t the combination you had envisioned and it seems you will never accomplish anything with the colors you’ve been given.  Remember, God has always had a plan for your life and He will never give you a color that He can’t work with.  He wants to show you the “great opportunity” that He is providing.  Dip your brush in the paint and allow God to guide you into your future.

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