Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Have you ever said or heard someone say, “I just want to be happy!”  We all want to harness that euphoric feeling we call happiness, but for some it remains an elusive dream.  It could be that we have defined happiness as the “pot at the end of the rainbow” and the rainbow keeps disappearing before we find the pot.  Are you ready for a huge revelation?  Once you get this little factoid settled in your brain, you will be on your way to happiness.  “Happiness is NOT the Pot.”  Possessions and things are not happiness, so put your money into a retirement account that you will leave to your selfish children and determine in your heart to BE HAPPY.

Luke 12:15 And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”
What if I’m just not destined for happiness?  HOGWASH!!!  You want happiness?  Then use your mouth and SPEAK happiness into your life.  REALLY???  It is that easy?  Your mouth has convinced you that you are not happy and you will never be happy so eliminate the “NOT” and “NEVER” and SPEAK HAPPY.

In his book, “Happy This Year,” Will Bowen wrote “Happy people believe they are happy.”  Now we’re talkin’!!!  Happiness really is a “state of mind.”  If you think you are sad, deprived, blessed or happy, YOU ARE!  OK, I’m THINKING happy thoughts and I’m SPEAKING happy words but my circumstances haven’t changed!  IT’S NOT ABOUT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES!!!  It is about CHANGING YOUR THINKING.  An amazing transformation occurs when your thinking becomes happy, although your circumstances may not have changed, your view of them has and so you think they have.
Now that we have established the “Philosophy of Happy,” it is time to start “Speaking Happy.”  Stand in front of a large mirror and SMILE because happy people are “smiley” people.  SPEAK; define yourself as a happy person.  Go ahead, SAY IT; “I am so happy today.”  Now walk through your house, stop focusing on emptiness or the things you don’t see.  Although, your happiness does not depend on your possessions, start counting the things you own and the people who live there as blessings.  SPEAK thankfulness, SPEAK praise, SPEAK happiness.  This last exercise may stretch you and be the most difficult one but you want to be happy don’t you?  THINK really hard about someone else.  What can you do for them that will put a smile on their face and happiness in their heart?  Got an idea?   NOW, GO DO IT!!!!  SPEAK HAPPINESS to someone else.

1 Timothy 6:6 Now, Godliness with contentment is great gain. We may live IN a World of Discontentment but we don’t have to be OF a World of Discontentment.  If you really want a happy life, then have a happy life.  SMILE, BE THANKFUL, SPEAK HAPPY!!!

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