Tuesday, December 25, 2012


On this Christmas morning, don’t forget, YOU are the reason Jesus was born.  HE came to redeem YOU. He died for YOU.  HE LOVES YOU!!!

We all search for significance; to matter, if even to just one; to be loved as “ME.”  Over the years, I have been involved with many groups, religious and secular and in most of them, I was just “part of the group,” working toward the common goal.  But I longed for more.  I wanted to be valued, not just for what I contributed to the group or not just as long as I was useful to reaching the goal and certainly not because I could be counted in the total number, but I needed to be loved, personally.  These experiences lead us to believe this is how God views us; we are just “One in a World.”  God has a plan; there is an end game and He values you as just one of the players.  One day, when you die, you can go to Heaven but until then, God really isn’t concerned or involved with your personal life.  Oh, but He is and He does. HE LOVES EACH ONE PERSONALLY AND INDIVIDUALLY.
Listening to the sounds of laughter and watching my grandchildren play with their new Christmas toys, I thought of how special each little person is to my heart.  Oh yes, I speak of them as the “grandbabies and every year, I host “Grandkid’s Camp,” but they are so much more than a small subset in a large group.  Each one possesses a unique talent and personality that I adore and respond to individually.  Mackenzie is so smart and has such a sweet personality that loves animals and people.  Madison is a little “fashionista” who loves to create and perform.  She is always ready with a song or a dance.  Nothing stops Caleb.  From the time he started walking at 8 months until today, at 5 years, he has not stopped exploring, learning and discovering “why.”  Nathan, my sweet, lovable little Nathan; he is so tender and caring toward the younger babies.  I love the way he dances as soon as he hears music and his little voice naming his favorite superheroes.  Next is my beautiful, blond, blue-eyed Anabel.  Her laugh is infectious and just about the time she overwhelms you with the drama, her arms go around your neck and she climbs on your lap for some snuggle-time.  My precious, Maicie, who will be two in a few weeks; I love watching her blond curls bounce as she runs to keep up with her brothers.  Her giggles and version of “gama” when she runs into my arms is enough to make my world stop turning for a few minutes.  2 1/2 month old Payton, who completes our family; his toothless smile, his coos and gurgles as we “talk” have completely stolen my heart.  Each one is uniquely valuable to me by themselves.  I love them Personally and Individually.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

The verse rolls glibly off my tongue and I feel so blessed to be part of that world.  The love of God amazes me.  How could He love a world that 99% of the time dismisses Him and follows the path of its own choosing?  At times it almost seems an ethereal concept; this world that God loves.  I reach out to touch just a small piece of this world and though I’m a part, I can’t seem to wrap my mind around a whole world.  I substitute “Susan” for the “Whole World” and it becomes much more clear; God loves me, personally; HE LOVES ME!
For God so loved SUSAN that He gave His only begotten Son, that IF SUSAN believes in Him, she should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

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