Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Has a year already passed?  A year in a new chapter of the  “Exciting Life of Steve and Susan.”  A year that began with us clinging to the only thing we knew with certainty; GOD IS FAITHFUL and has ended with the certainty; GOD IS FAITHFUL!  A year that began confused, wounded and bleeding and ended peacefully, with a few scars, but healed.  Yes, it has been a year filled with surprises; new friends in a new church, a new house in a new city, a new job, new experiences, a new grandson and through it all GOD HAS BEEN FAITHFUL.
When we left Michigan to pastor a small church in Tennessee, we arrived full of hopes and dreams, so privileged that God would allow us a small role in His grand plan.  Our dream house sold and although our business and precious family were still in Michigan, our joyful hearts found a new home in Tennessee.  I fell in love with the mountains, the slower way of life, the southern accents and the warm feeling I had every time the clerk said, “Appreciate you” instead of the usual “thank you.”   It was a wonderful dream that slowly faded and we awoke one day with nothing but shattered pieces. 

Like the story of “Humpty Dumpty,” we couldn’t put it all back together again.  Our dreams had ended, the joy had turned into depression, and our confidence had given way to confusion.  With no church, no home, no future plans, shattered dreams and barely clinging to a few shreds of hope and the knowledge that GOD IS FAITHFUL, we fell on our faces and gave it all back to God.  Slowly, the Light began to flicker and once again burst into flame.
God, the “Repairer of the Breach”,” Restorer of the Dream” and the “Mender of Broken Hearts” still had a plan for us.  The disillusionment, wounds, disappointments and tears all became part of the process.  We left all the pieces at His feet and quietly waited. One week before our world caved in, God had orchestrated a “chance” meeting with two wonderful people who pastored a church that would love us, soothe our hurts and allow us to continue working in the Kingdom.  Next, we found a beautiful, new home that had been on the market for one year, reduced in price, just waiting for the Niswongers and God’s perfect timing.  A door opened for Steve to take a position with a company that will not only provide for our family but enhances the business Steve started years ago that will bless our children.  Finally, in October, we welcomed a precious new grandson, Payton into our family; my joy is complete and GOD IS FAITHFUL.

Satan always tries to destroy the things of God, the hope, joy, dreams and the plan, but he cannot unless you give all of them to him.  You see the whole package is a gift from God to you and only you can choose who controls it.  Allow God to develop the dream in your life, even if all that is left is shattered pieces.   He will unfold the plan and restore your joy in ways you could have never conceived.

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