Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Her Mommy had warned me, "Anabel's like a "bull in a china shop."  You do not want to take her into the candy/gift shop.  But I couldn't resist her big, beautiful blue eyes.
 So…Grandma:  Anabel, you have to hold my hand and you can't touch anything. 
Anabel:  Ok Grandma.
 And into the store we went, her little hand securely nestled in mine.

Now Saykllys Candy in Escanaba, MI is an absolute delight to most of the senses.  They have shelves of beautiful, fragile gifts that I can hardly refrain from picking up to examine more closely.  In one corner is a colorful collection of soft, furry creatures just begging to be hugged by little arms.  But, the back of the store contains the most enticing displays in my eyes, CHOCOLATE!!!    Not only do they have the best chocolates that I have ever tasted, but they have chocolate made into fun shapes, jelly beans, gummy worms and other gummy creatures, giant pinwheel suckers and more…just begging to be touched and clutched in little hands.
As we stopped in front of one delicious display, Anabel slowly reached a hand, stopped, looked up at Grandma and let her hand fall back down to her side.  Of course, Grandma didn’t let her leave with that little hand empty.  Anabel walked out of the store with her own bag of treats, selected just for her, in one hand, her other hand, still safe and secure in Grandma’s hand.

Many years ago...
God:  Susan, take hold of my hand.  You will be in the world but you are not of this world; don't touch.
Susan:  OK, God.

As we journey through life, there are so many enticing displays along the road.  Oh they are meant to excite and sometimes overwhelm the senses.  Their beauty is dazzling, just begging to be touched and tasted.  One hand is tightly holding onto Jesus but the other hand is free and slowly reaches toward the colorful, exciting display marketed by this world.  Maybe, just one finger, a touch, a stroke, a taste…then I look up, into the eyes of Jesus and my wandering hand falls back down to my side.  Just like Anabel, I am never left empty handed.  Jesus, daily loads me with benefits. 

The treats of this world are fragile.  They are so beautiful and enticing but eventually they shatter and you are left with nothing but broken pieces of a destroyed life.  Keep your hand securely tucked in the hand of the Master, keep your eyes on Him and He will lead you to the abundance He has prepared especially for you.  I promise you will be delighted and satisfied.

1 comment:

InlovewithHim said...

Why oh why did I not read this before I devoured a shameless amount of hershey kisses?