Monday, April 30, 2012


Saturday was Caleb’s first T-ball game.  I think Grandpa was just excited as Caleb as we drove the 45 minute drive to Saginaw.  Game time arrived and Caleb in his brand new team t-shirt and ball cap, carrying his glove ran onto the field.  The coach put him at 3rd base and we stood at the 3rd base fence to cheer his every move.

  Suddenly, Caleb looked toward the fence, his excitement for the game vanished and his focus on the field was transferred to what was on the other side of the fence.  “Grandpa, Grandma,” he yelled, waving with a big grin on his face.  We waved back, but his excitement couldn’t be contained, “Coach, my Grandpa and Grandma are here.”  The coach smiled and helped him refocus on the game.  The inning was over and Caleb’s team went to the dugout for their turn at bat.  As exciting as a turn at bat can be, Caleb had a more important task that just had to be completed.  Suddenly, a little 5-year old boy came running out of the dugout, wrapped his arms around my legs and said, “Grandma, I missed you.”  How could I resist such a display of love? 
Standing in church on Sunday, I realized exactly what Caleb had felt when he spied two people in his life that he is confident love him unconditionally and showers him with blessings at every opportunity.  As we began to sing praises and the Presence of God filled the sanctuary, I wanted to yell, “Church, Jesus is here.”  The excitement at His Presence was too much, my joy overflowed, raising my arms out to Him, I began to talk to Him in a special “love language” that He always responds too.  You see, Jesus just can’t resist such a display of love.

The Bible records many that joined the crowd surrounding Jesus.  They came to hear Him speak; see the miracles and perhaps they even hoped they might be one of the people to receive a personal blessing.  Then, there were the individuals that could not contain their excitement.  Zacchaeus climbed a tree and blind Bartimaeus ignored those trying to hush his cries, crying out even louder because Jesus was passing by.  A woman pushed through the crowd to touch the hem of His garment and a group of friends cut a hole in a roof for a sick friend, all to touch Jesus with their needs.  Jesus touched many, healing them and supplying their needs but there was one lady that pushed past the ridicule just because she loved Him so much. 

Luke 7:37-38  “And, behold, a woman in the city, which was a sinner, when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster box of ointment, 38And stood at his feet behind him weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with the ointment.”  

Of course, Jesus could not resist such a display of love.  He told those who ridicule her, “Wherefore I say unto thee, her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much.”

What beautiful things would we experience in our life, in the church, if we would become so excited over the Presence of God that we could not contain ourselves?  If our love for our Savior just began to overflow and before the singing or the preaching, someone would yell out, “Hey Church, Jesus is here?  If we would run to Him with our arms outstretched for that special “God Hug,” and tell Him how we have missed him; I’m sure Jesus couldn’t resist such a display of love.  

Take a little time today to pour some precious ointment on His feet, let the tears flow, raise your hands toward Heaven and talk to Him in the language reserved for Him alone.  He will touch you because He just can’t resist such a display of love.

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